I am a sour candy nut. I love it all and the more so-sour-that-it-hurts, the better. I just ordered 25 bucks worth of extreme sour candy (not including shipping). PMS anyone?
Hey Nett, as I said to you in rep when you first brought up the demonic toilet light, we have had one in each bathroom now for about 3 weeks and they are AWESOME!! I also enjoy the fact that it stays on just long enough so I can get from the master bathroom and back to bed without killing myself in the dark.
Oh, and for the record, I leave it on the "rainbowl" setting where it scrolls through the different colors. Come to think of it, this may explain the weird dreams I've been having lately.
Went to a state senate hearing on the UMN budget. When the Senators had a chance to speak guess what the most harsh critiques were about? Mostly the football program. Yep I like policy, I like the topic of policy, policy gets things done and can change the environment people live in, however achieving real policy goals is so dam hard. At the end of the day what is starting to become an annoyance is that policy making is a lot like 8th grade, the loudest person tends to win and the best compromise is often lost in the noise
Just when I thought I had seen it all..... However, these jackals won't be interested unless it comes in red or carousel mode.
Spoiler: Sherlock spoilers Agree with all of that. Moriarty not coming back was a huge disappointment, but exactly how was he supposed to come back from blowing his own head off? The last scene of the last episode was also fairly stupid; Watson's wife leaves another CD because...reasons, and just goes on about how much of a great team Sherlock and Watson are while they're slo-mo running annoyed the hell out of me.
The love toilet. Nothing like letting one rip while you gaze into someone's eyes by candlelight. Is feeding each other fruit while you do it over the top?
Spoiler To me the ending felt like a forced epilogue, in case they don't make another season. With the massive career advancements of both Cumberbatch and Freeman since the series started I wouldn't be surprised it they called it quits. I hope they make more, but getting everyone together for basically 3 movies in a year has to be tough.
I have to imagine there's nothing more intimate, odd, and revealing than sharing a deuce with your spouse.