If all the water outside is frozen it might not have been able to get a fresh source. I took in a feral who ended up being pregnant. When she started giving birth she decided to start on my lap. Now I have three cats, her and two of her kids. If it is pregnant you could get her spade and they will abort the kittens.
I took in a stray pregnant dog in Mississippi. I found her on Christmas day and I'm pretty sure you go to hell for turning away the pregnant on Christmas. She was the stupidest dog I've ever encountered. Totally untrainable, I think she was fucking retarded. She gave birth to three puppies that were equally stupid. They all died within a year and half doing stupid shit.
I've had eight or nine cats over the years, all but two were strays or throwaways. Two came to the back door, meowed, walked right in and never left. One was an old guy the dipshit down the street let out. He was 13+, declawed, and she put him out. He kept showing up on my porch so I kept him. Another was this little orange cat, fit in your palm, maybe 2 months old when we got him. Some dickless waste of life tossed him onto the highway from a moving car when he was a month old. Broken legs, broken face. Vet gave him to us. For all that cat's troubles he grew up to be around 25 pounds and damn near 3 feet long head to tail. Absolute coward. Samuel L wants you to neuter your pets.
When I was up in Idaho clearing out my mom's house I had a stray cat show up. I had my mom's kitty tree (Some stupid expensive thing for cats to climb up and sit on) out on the porch. The cat climbed up there and was happy as shit. It would meow at me and I'd pet it and give it some food when I'd walk out the door. That was pretty much our interaction. Then it dropped below zero, so I brought it inside. It fucking hated being inside, so back outside it went. I eventually found the owners who told me it was a house cat and they took it home. Two days later, it was back at my house. They came and got it and it was immediately back at my house again. I guess it didn't like being a house cat, I can respect that.
Yeah, my cat who was a feral is outside right now at midnight and it is below freezing. I have cattails and woods where she is with foxes. I have to go out and call her to get her to come in and sometimes she wont for a day or two. I am going to try to get her in once more tonight but I think she will be spending her night in the woods.
I was lucky with this cat. My friend's mom had a farm in Alabama, and the farm cat had kittens. I volunteered to adopt one, sight unseen. My best friend went with me to pick up this 4 month old kitten. From the day I brought him home he started following me room-to-room...even when I showered. He would lay down in between the shower curtain and liner. (Freak!) If he isn't in our laps he wants us to play with him. He is the ultimate love bug. So much so that sometimes it's a little annoying. I'm just glad that he's sweet 90% of the time and not a total dick or antisocial. I've had him for over 8 years now, and he hasn't changed. He has the same little personality as he did on the first day.
Seems like there's 1 in 10 farm cats like that and the rest are just wild ditch tigers that can disappear in a blink. My grandparents have a super friendly black and white tuxedo girl in their calving shed that I honestly wouldn't mind having around, but between my dog and fiance's allergies that ain't happening. Spoiler: Kitty This fat fuck Timmy (pronounced like Timmah from South Park) was a wild farm kitten until my cousins brought them to their house in college. Then my aunt took him in and force-fed him so his belly would drag on the floor like a broom or something, I dunno. He isn't quite this chubby now but is still impressive: Spoiler: Timmy
I don't think my dog could handle having a cat around. She gets super rambunctious with just about every other living creature. Im sure the psychological terror of being chased around all the time wouldn't make for a friendly cat.
Our dog loves our cat. Wants to be friends. Our cat hates the dog. Like with a simmering, violent rage. The dog isn't having it. She will become friends with the cat or die trying. The dog will die trying, because it is NEVER going to happen. The cat had ten years of solitude before we bought the lop-eared, airbourne Energizer fucking Bunny with bulldozer feet and she hates the dog entirely. I would like to introduce you to Belgium's Minister Of Health. I am not kidding:
That's an excellent idea. You could beat them pretty easily. I've seen those things and they can't run for shit.
Well they lose a lot of momentum with their bad form. Bobbing your head like that can really slow you down.
I need to watch the first half of season 5 of Scandal... and I have Amazon Prime and they still want to make me pay for it and that isn't going to happen. I have Hulu and Netflix too and I can't find all of the episodes in either place. Help.
In other news, the long awaited return of The Venture Brothers was tonight... just about to go watch it. About fucking time, assholes.
Is there going to be a Super Bowl thread this year where somebody posts all the leaked commercials I am expected to watch? I am counting on all of you to allow me to keep being lazy about trying to track any of them down. Doesn't Parker usually post some of those? Is he dead?
Parker had a New Year's resolution to reduce his use of the internet, which included essentially cutting out this place. He may be back in the future. But for now, sounds like his resolve is holding.