It was inevitable... This world is literally insane.
Reminds me of some articles that my favorite journalist, Jim Goad, wrote: Jim Goad reviewed a similar product several years ago (by the way, all of these articles [including the artwork] are available in his book, "Jim Goad's Gigantic Book of Sex." ):
Yes, but the fucking marketing department obviously mucked things up. No self-respecting engineer would make the vacuum attachment optional.
If you haven't seen this yet, you need to. 27 men to a side, its a Battle Royal crossed with a street brawl crossed with Rugby. Chaos.
Considering it was invented by a bunch of basement dwelling gamers, maybe hookers charge them extra for blow jobs? At least they didn't fuck it all up completely and design it after a leaf blower.
Awesome! Crystal to refurbish historic SS United States to its former glory
I don't know how this made it on youtube, or why it was recommended to me, but the music makes up for the film quality and the extra hair. Nothing gets me hotter than the tilt o' whirl. Get it before it's gone?
Forgive me for asking the stupid question, but why are those guys yelling "world star"? I've seen videos for that world star hip hop or whatever and I assume it has something to do with that, but do they like pay them if they mention the name in a video or something?
WorldStarHipHop is emblematic of our current pop culture, which is white teenagers acting like a racist version of what they think black teenagers act like, which is what they think black adults act like. It's idiots all the way down.
So...on Twitter I noticed a distinct lack of anyone called The Zipper Witch and pointed this out to my followers. No one took this awesome name, so I created an account, because why the hell not for shits and giggles? I gave it a stock photo avi, a header picture and followed a few big accounts. More then anything I'm just curious how many followers the stupid account gets without me really doing anything. (Though I may throw in an "I follow back" tag line if it's not catching on.) I'll give it a month or so before I deep six it.
A woman tonight complained that her vodka martini was to strong. I am usually not at a loss for words for complaints but that one got me
I just got an e-mail from the "Hijab Loan Firm" telling me my loan is confirmed. Why the hell would I want to borrow a Hijab?
Hijab Mattres, Firm. Commas are your friend, you grammatically incorrect heathen. In other news, this is why we can't have nice things: