My company holiday party is tonight and I really don't want to go, but think my absence would be noted. Don't want to make it too obvious that I'm on my way out but I would rather smack my dick with a hammer than spend more time with my boss than necessary. Oh well, at least I've moved on to getting an in person interview now for what looks like a great job after a phone screening a couple weeks ago. I'm also headed to Vegas for the first time in a few weeks to attend a giant conference as the guest of a gunmaker and hang out at his booth, it still feels surreal that it is happening but I'm excited.
Is it open bar? If so, might as well drain a few extra dollars out of their budget in the form of free booze.
In my experience, I have found that there is no such thing as too much effort to make a joke. It's always worth it. Even if I'm the only one that laughs. Speaking of an audience of one . . . that reminds me of the story that Garry Shandling told Jerry Seinfeld on CiCGC before Garry died.* He was working a comedy club, and there was only one guy in the audience, sitting at the front, and Garry was just ripping on him. Finally, Garry said he was sorry, that it was just habit to make fun of the guy right in front of the mic stand, and he suggested the guy move over to another seat. So, he did . . . and then Garry picked up the mic stand, carried it right in front of the guy, and started up again. He killed with that. *It'd be hard to tell that story after he died. Ha!