You know whats WAY better than having a boat? Having a friend with a boat. I know a few people in Chicago with boats (none are good friends unfortunately) and a few on Lake Michigan in Milwaukee when I was growing up. The peripheral costs are insane. Cause up here you have to winterize it and store it for the winter. Also, looking at the pump when you fill even a smaller boat with gas will give a fucking coronary. Its like driving 4 SUVs at once.
Are we going on a person by person basis or a contribution to the group idea? I'd say she's doing well, I don't care what the other people say. And lets remember, for one group, a student group no less, I am the President, and that means nearly nothing.
Should clarify that Cincinnati's big outdoor concert venue is right next to the river. So hundreds of boats motor up and tie up together and party. My friend has a boat and I've been 3-4 times. It's basically a big frat party on the water, one of buffet's big demos. We brought a girl from our work with us one year and she was getting finger banged on the front of the boat like ten minutes into the concert. There was a Vegas style silence policy afterwards. They are expensive as shit and you really do have to become boat people. My friend usually just has us pay for the gas between the guest.
I have zero desire to have a boat, lake house or second home. But like JWags I really want friends who do.
WDT because everyone hates douchebags, and no matter if you watch basketball (I don't watch college basketball), I think we can all agree that Duke's Grayson Allen -- aka the dude who keeps tripping people -- is the early leader for Douchebag of the Year. His latest incident: His previous douchebaggery:
A buddy of mine had a 17ft SeaDoo in the early 2000's and they are a ton of fun, but yes they are like buying an expensive sporty second car rather than a beater, to-from work only car. Me and other friends always tried to make sure he didn't pay for his food/drinks whenever he took us out on the boat and even though he always said no without fail we offered to kick in for gas. From what I recall, the downside to his SeaDoo boat is it had a rather flat hull compared to more traditional V-hull boats so cruising on anything other than a flat calm would beat the shit out of you. Still without fail he could pull into a near deserted marina and within 10-15 minutes women would appear dockside to "chat".
The reason he plays for Duke is that of course he fucking does. Duke embodies 90% of the total NCAA basketball supply of smug. Their arena would be the perfect place to test a nerve gas cannister.
I wouldn't mind a small getaway near water. We have friends with a cottage, we go one week a year and we love it and now want our own. But, like a boat you don't just wave a wand. It is WORK. But if you look after it, you can also rent it out to people when you're not using it. Our friends do that and it nets them a few extra hundred dollars a week for doing practically nothing.
Awe, sounds like a Tarheel fan, always getting feelings hurt - maybe the UNC fans need safe spaces for losses now.
If you live around or near the water, how do you not have a friend that owns a boat? When I was in MN at least half my friends had one, and even here in Jax where water front properties are way more expensive(although not that bad if you're willing to live on the inter-coastal instead of the ocean) I know several people who own one. I don't think I'll own one unless I make way more than I do now because there's just so many other things I would rather spend the money on, and like others have said, boats are a pain in the ass. The acronym bust out another thousand is pretty accurate in my experience. If I did bother it would probably just be some piece of shit canoe with a 25 horse power attached for fishing. That way it's no big loss if the thing craps out on me. For days out cruising I can always mooch off friends. Besides, that's what people buy the nice boats for, to invite their friends and/or take their kids out. Pools are the worst. Yes, they're awesome. Yeah, the initial expense might seem manageable. Sure, you might even say, well I can pay off the loan in 4 years if you don't have all of it for a down payment. Wait until you see that fucker rack up bills while you own it. It's not something I plan on doing in the near future, but maybe when I'm in my 50s or so I'll probably get a place in northern MN. It's super cheap, great fishing, and I like the idea of an isolated getaway rather than the beach house/party zone. That's what my normal life has, it just doesn't fit with the idea of a second home for me. It would either be that, or Montana/Wyoming, but I've never even visited there yet. I tend to think of a getaway as somewhere you should got to get away from society. I suppose that only fits if you're into the outdoorsy type stuff.
Is it cottage time already? I'm sitting in a condo in Beavercreek right now. I would kill to have a ski condo. I've run the numbers a million times and it will never be in the cards. Between all the loan, utilities, condo fees, taxes and cleaning fees it would never be worth it just so I could vacation a couple of weeks a year. The rental money just wouldn't be enough. But I have been trying for years to get my parents to buy one so I can use it.
My husband has finally made it through all the Criminal Minds episodes on Netflix. Thank god. Now we're fucking finally watching Westworld. It's about time.
I gotta remember this for next time. I swing the opposite Whataburger and spend the day on the couch feeling like an asshole. It never occurred to me to do something productive. Hmph. I can totally see why chronic pain people can be so nutty. I haven't been 100% healthy in a month now. It's been one stupid thing after another. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills bc every time I go into the clinic I see a different NP, get more antibiotics that I may/may not really need, and I feel like I have to be obnoxious to get an appt with an actual doctor. I'm an ear infection away from punching someone in the throat.