It's basically the left's version of Obama's fake birth certificate. This will go on throughout the entire administration, no doubt. I mean, if a real investigation finds something, impeach the guy. That report is so full of allegations that make no sense and sexual perversions I have no idea how someone reads it and takes it seriously. Dude, the amount of idiots publishing fake news and idiots who devour fakes news who constantly complain about fake news has to have broken some kind of irony record.
Don't underestimate how watered-down the tribe has become. There are WAY to many fucking idiots these days. The fuckers were trolled by /pol/ and it becomes an international incident. My GOD.
Even worse might be the fact that CNN has been talking about it all day in a vague way that legitimizes it while maintaining plausible deniability about not actually "publishing" it. This is pretty much exactly what that Ryan Holiday book was about.
Here's an archive of the thread from November when it initially came up: /pol/ trolled all the alphabet agencies, Buzz Feed, and CNN. Wow.
This really isn't anything new. There's been all kinds of angry opinion pieces using troll posts as evidence, articles about falsified hate crimes, made up statistics without even bothering to cite a phony source, and assorted other bullshit. Most of the online publications do this stuff. This won't take down buzzfeed. It's what people who go to that site like to hear. They know their audience, that's why they decided to post it. Although I do hope they publish an article about "how this piece slipped through our high standards." Most likely they'll just move on to the next sensationalist gibberish.
The worst part about being married to a nurse is that she has zero compassion to when you are actually sick. I have a bad head cold and was in miserable shape last night. My wife just laughed at me when I asked her for some chicken soup.
My girlfriend is a nurse too, and while she'll help me out when I'm sick she let's me know I'm being an enormous baby about it.
This is disappointing. I had been lead to believe that all nurses were busty, hot, and wanted nothing more than to give me a personal sponge bath. Also, wah wah bass beats would play while they were taking care of me.
I would never mess with a nurse. They are tough. On the other hand when my twin got very sick in Tampa received some amazingly kind and warm gestures from them when I was in the ICU with him.