My boss moved or biweekly touch base meeting for next week to first thing Monday morning, and he moved it to a conference room instead of his desk. Also, neither of us had a conflict at the old time. This could be ominous.
My wife just surprised me by buying 8lbs of cheese. This is what I'll be doing this weekend: Wish my twohole luck.
I swear on all that is holy I will shoot myself in the face before I attend another corporate pep rally.
See, when I do pep rallies, it involves things like drinking and bowling and more drinking. You'd like working for me.
See, this goes back to champagne being the finest choice of beverages in any situation. Spray a dancefloor of attractive women with beer = asshole Spray a dancefloor of attractive women with champagne = awesome Proof:
Something weird I learned today from my Canadian friend; One of his relatives loves wolves, and hates deer-hunters. But he wasn't a greenie. He made a living off of trapping wolves, so when people say they want more elk (which meant burning down the forests to improve grazing habitats), to him, less wolves and less martens meant he had to get a nine to five job without living on the land. I don't know, just seems like hunting is steering more and more towards meat hunting, but if you use the pelt and prepare it off of say a puma or wolverine or wolf, I have no problem with that. In other less-hunting filled news, I had a great time at my friend's house this Thursday, I helped them build Legos, we watched Archer and Bojack Horseman and we drank. Good times.
The meeting with HR went exactly as I figured, they had me sign a piece of paper saying that the issue had been addressed and told me not to be so vocal in front of the temps. The pep rally? If you want to experience a corporate pep rally simulation go to some nut case cult recruitment rally. Lots of chanting and cheering while some manic emcee yells bullshit slogans and mind numbing motivational crap. It was easy to spot those in fear of their jobs by how engrossed they were in the whole thing....making sure they clapped the most enthusiastically and whoop-whooped the loudest. I stood in the back of the room glowering with my arms folded. There was shit I really needed to be taking care of and management felt this was a great way to build comradery or something equally stupid. I am not made for the corporate world in any way, shape or form. I just happen to be very good at what I do, so they tolerate me.
The basic gist of my job is being charming and personable. Me. Hard to believe huh? Without incriminating my employer, let's put it this way: I make sure our clients have customers, and in certain cases, act as their customer's personal concierge when they come to town if I feel like it's in our client's best interest. Kind of like a kid on the street corner working for a pimp, except this is a huge corporation with customers and clients from all over the world and slightly less possibility of an STD.
I've worked for some shitty companies, but the only time I've ever been really weirded out by corporate culture was when I did a summer remodeling job for wal-mart when I was in college. Every morning we had to go into the store and do stretching and team building exercises while chanting out the wal-mart name and various slogans like cheerleaders. Fucking weird. I started skipping it since my whole day was at the warehouse anyway, but my boss made it mandatory I show up. I kept skipping, but he eventually let it slide since I was one of the few people who actually showed up to work on a daily basis. There was also the semi-retarded bro who went down to Miami every weekend to toke up with Snoop Dog and drank only $600 bottles of liquor, not to mention the creeper guys in their 40s who nagged me about introducing them to college girls. Yeah, that job was real awesome.