Literary Device Called Foreshadowing I went through something similar with my former business partners over 10 years ago. About 3 months after that "conversation" I started my own company. So, the good news is, you're going to have plenty of time to work on your novel and won't have that pesky job to get in your way.
Yep, this reeks of HR checking the boxes to make your extraction as unquestionably legal as possible. Sorry to hear it. But as was mentioned, plus side is you get more time for your book.
In my experience, PIPs are only issued to two types of people. The first is those who have specific, measurable goals that they are not meeting. In this case, the PIP should include interim and end goals, e.g. "you're currently making 6 widgets per hour. We need you at 12. In 3 months, you're expected to be at 9." The second type is those that someone is unhappy with, and they're looking for a paper trail to get rid of them. A murky, "leadership" PIP sounds like someone trying to make sure it's as subjective as possible so nobody can point at it and say you met the goals.
Well, I ran out of Cobblestone Stout, so now I'm on to drinking another dark beer (Kostritzer, not that anyone cares). People say it's bad when you drink. I think they're wrong. It's bad when you don't drink. At least when you're drinking, you can still take pleasure in things, or if nothing else, are optimistic enough that drinking will make it better. When you stop drinking, it's because you know deep down that it won't really make a difference. Also, the frozen tundra is mighty bleak this time of year.
Drinking is good. The half bottle of The MacCallan Amber I've killed just reinforces that absolute truth.
Our lease is up in 3 weeks and both my housemates are moving their girlfriends in. And I'm still jetlagged. I'm drinking on days that end in y at the moment. Last night I made cognac slushies. Tonight I might just mainline scotch. I have some glenfiddich 18 and glenlivet 15 to soothe the pain.
These girls going to contribute anything at all? Both my roommates girls didn't pay shit and didn't do any sort of house work to compensate. They technically had their own houses they rented but you'd have never guessed it. As I remember it one girl moved in full time when her lease was up but only paid him money that he'd use to cover his portion of the rent/bills.
I'm not getting drunk, I'm just trying to comprehend the money pit that insurance is, a good IPA helps soothe the pain that is me dumping money into a system that'll likely never benefit me unless something tragic happens. As a side note, girlfriends moving in with roommates usually ends up bad for the odd man out. Especially if they aren't paying rent or contributing anything other than banging your roommate.
Hopefully one of the girls has a bunch of loose friends you can hook up with from time to time. That's all I ever got out of my roommate's girlfriend for the room and board.
Even then, there's likely to be the odd dynamic where they either take over or are never seen outside their room again.
Hit on them, constantly and relentlessly... make them not want to be there. Turn into the crazy and creepy roommate from hell. YouTube it. Might piss off your roommates? Fuck them... they were dead to you when they moved their whores in. Fuck with their shit, and own it. Go big. Win win, as far as I'm concerned.
Most of the time if they are the type that will never leave their room chances are good she's the type of girl you wouldn't want to be spending much time around with anyway. If she is that bad I've learned to just tell the dude once and let him make his own choices/mistakes and Ill just hang out with friends that aren't attached to a succubus. pre post edit: Do what Nettdata suggest instead.
Maybe start making suggestions about taping them or joining in. Tell them it'd be really professional and they'd never notice you're there rubbing one out in the corner. Or maybe suggest a classic Eiffel Tower. What insecure female doesn't love the idea of a mmf threesome?
"I think you [girlfriend] should convince [boyfriend] to let me suck his cock, and you should tape it... wouldn't that be AWESOME!?!?!"
The worst roommate in Western Culture is the cursed swamp spawn known as the "Roommates Girlfriend." There's the one kind that stays out of the way, helps clean up and even pays for groceries. Of course, this is not the roommate's girlfriend YOU got stuck with. No, the one you got stuck with stays long, never chips in for ANYTHING. Brings in her Satanic and titanic hairball cat that becomes infuriated by the colour of your eyes. She hogs the remote during your show hours to watch bimbos marry strangers for money. She eats YOUR only-one-day-old Chinese Food leftovers you were looking forward to after a long day at work but NOOOOO that's cool because she "Didn't see you name on it." It's perfectly fine to call her a cunt at this point.
The only time I had roommates was while I was in college. In those 7 years, I only had one roommate that had a girlfriend move in. It was for 1 quarter. She had a smoking bod and was sweet as could be. She often walked around in next-to-nothing, and regularly did any dishes in the sink. She would also straighten up and clean, but not in a way that left you screaming "what the hell did you do with my stuff?!" They broke up right before Christmas break. She bought the other 3 of us besides her boyfriend a case of our favorite beer as a thank you for the free rent. She transferred schools over Christmas, going back home, and I never saw her again. I'm pretty sure she is the exception to the rule.