Ooohhh burn Rush. Or should I say "Stinky breath Rush"? You know what's even worse? It was flavored creamer I had to use. It's like my friend didn't even care I don't like that stuff. Plain cream and regular sugar. Is that so hard for her to get while shopping and preparing for my arrival? Maybe I need to rethink our friendship.
Ha! Well, the joke's on him, because the cigarettes already make my breath smell like I've smoked a cigarette! Ha burrrrrn back. Actually, I don't smoke. Anymore. And, I alternate - for every cup of coffee I drink, I eat 3 Altoids. But, not having any co-workers means it doesn't matter what my breath smells like. Anyway, I thought it was the caffeine reducing the saliva production that caused the bad breath, so it doesn't matter if it's black or sweet or whatever. I just always assumed "visiting a friend out of town" was universal code for naked pillow fights and full lesbo showers. Are you implying it's not?!
Here's a good one. Vegans declaring social media war on farmers because you know, they KILL ANIMALS. Humans are omnivores. We are supposed to eat meat. We have since before the dawn of civilization and will continue to do so. You have no issue with an alligator tearing apart a helpless baby animal put putting one down painlessly to feed us.... Noooo that's inhumane. I guess the need to feel morally superior will always trump ACTUALLY being morally superior.
I recently met a vegan who was humble and non-obnoxious about it. It came up and she said "its a choice I've made for various reasons, I don't feel the need to talk about it and bring it up." I was floored. I expected her to throw a tomato at me for liking animal byproducts.
It might be shocking, but self-righteous people will always find something to be self-righteous about, whether that's veganism, crossfit, religion, or - and I'm just pulling a random subject out of a hat here, it has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone involved in this conversation - taste in music. It has nothing to do with the subject, and everything to do with the person.
BBQ and salad time! Make sure you tweet them back so they understand, that farmers also grow the vegetables they eat. And, that those farmers would (and do) kill all the delicious animals that do damage to their crops like deer, hogs, rabbit, and dove. And, they also kill, poison, eliminate all the ones that aren't tasty, like armadillos, Canada geese*, and crows to grow those veggies. *You can't convinced me these taste good.
My opinion on animal rights activists like PETA has always been that these people are going to latch onto something, so I'd rather they pick something annoying like PETA instead of something destructive like religious fundamentalism or white supremacy.
Re: BBQ and salad time! Don't let them forget how many little rodents, birds, amphibians, bugs, etc various critters get plowed under in fields too. That tofu is tainted by their blood! Vegans who don't go on self-righteous trips over it are cool, but fuck the idiots. *I'm posting in the cooking thread for you.
Speaking of Vegans. Sorta. I'm at an X-mas party and one of my sister in law's friends came up to me to talk about making sausage. She wanted to try. I told her that she was more than welcome to come on over the next time I make some. After about 15 minutes of me explaining the finer points of stuffing meat into tubes, she drops this statement: "Oh,,,, I stopped eating pork a while back when I learned how smart pigs are." I laughed right in her face. I didn't mean to, but was kinda hammered. Who the fuck isn't a Vegan, but doesn't eat pork? That's like being against the diamond trade in Africa, but currently owning a fucking slave. Has anyone ran across this phenomenom?
His book is a murder mystery about who killed the little piggy that went wee wee wee, all the way home. He's doing research.
And a little bit more mind-boggling is that this person in question is a Doctor, with two PH.D's. Every sausage I've ever made, whether it be dry cured, regular brat style, emulsified, or a terrine or confit......... Has a pork product in it. At bare minimum, at least pork fat. The only thing more versatile than Pork is maybe Bo Jackson in his prime, a vagina, a bisexual man's penis, and or some of those pliers that have 15 different tools on them.
There are exceptions to everything. BUT,,, 99% of all sausages are made with pork. And I'm not talking just about the pig middles that you stuff meat into either. Off the top of my head, the only couple of sausages that can be made without pork products in them are some variations of Merguez (a sausage with African origins), some Scottish variations of Haggis, and a couple of other weird shit that most people would never try. Basically if you are making sausage, you are going to use at least pork fat, and more often than not, you're going to use pork as one of the main ingredients. Why? Because it has the perfect ratio of fat and meat. 2 parts meat, 1 part fat.