I had beef sausage the other day. It sucked. #pork4lyfe Also, lot's of people don't eat pork for stupid reasons. Some of them are just retards, others do it for religious reasons. Luke, what happened with that hot 20 something bouncing around your house?
Well around here, when people talk about making sausage they have just killed an animal. Elk, moose, bear, dear, etc.
She lives in Toledo, and went back home after the holidays. Thank Christ. I got sick of wearing my jock strap to retard the progress of my penis when she was here. The strange thing is my penis has a lilt to the left so I had to wear it with both the leg holes on my left leg for the extra restraint. The upside is that I didn't have to take it off when I needed to shit out some of that holiday ham. The bad news is now I have BMX tire tracks inside my jeans rather than my BVD's.
I thought they usually used pork fat for those because deer fat tastes bad. I guess Hebrew National hot dogs count as sausage.
Usually. But there are lamb and beef middles as well. Breakfast sausage is usually stuffed in lamb middle, and the beef middle is used for larger diameter sausages such as salami's. If you're making mortadella or haggis, or bologna, you'll use a "beef bung" or a "beef cap bung". You can use fibrous casings as well, they are man made. Those are uniform in nature and are used for your oscar meyer type lunch meats. I use fibrous casings for all my venison summer sausages and to make breakfast sausage patties. (I semi-freeze it then slice into patties) Fibrous casings are tougher and don't rip like an intestine will, which sometimes makes them easier to use.
...with some pork and/or pork fat added. At least in my experience. My venison brats are over 50% lean deer meat, but have pork/pork fat/beef added depending on the variety. Yes. This reminds me that I need to buy more too.
Really? No one commenting on the hilariousness of Luke wearing a jock strap through one leg? The ingenuity alone is worth a mention!
Sounds like he came out a winner in all that. Apparently having a hot 18 year old around turned his wife on, win win if there ever were one
I have to admit, having a wife that doesn't have a uterus is exceptional for these types of events. FIRE IN THE HOLE! Now if we could just engineer vagina's to have one of those spit release valves that some of those brass instruments have, she wouldn't have to take restroom breaks, which fucked with my ongoing tumescence. That would of been next level Win-Win.
If you ask me, I think we've got enough to file a patent application. Vaginal fluid release valve, for aiding in the relief of ongoing male tumescence due to repeated proximity to nubile mammary glands.
Yup. And all of them will use Pork Fat. I make a Chicken Basil Tomato sausage that is everyone's favorite around my house, and it has more calories in it than any other sausage I make because of the pork fat added. To make a 5lb batch of brats, it has 3 1/2 lbs of chicken, and 1 1/2 lbs of pork fat. Same thing with the Duck Sage brat I make. I suppose you could make them without pork fat, but they would suck. When you are getting brats from your local butcher, or your grocery store,,, no matter what kind you are getting....... They have pork fat in them. Its why they taste fucking delicious.
I thought this was awesome. This kid just got ejected for spearing and tried to leave the ice all cool and non chalant....
Would they have to list pork fat as an ingredient, because all of the ones I have in my fridge don't mention pork fat in the slightest. Some of them list pork, but most of them don't. It's these two brands. http://www.dartagnan.com/ http://www.applegate.com/
So, at the moment my office building is overrun with hordes of temps. None of whom speak English. I was told that I need to learn a few key phrases in their language. Me. My response was "No." It would've been "Fuck NO", but I was trying to remain professional. When questioned about my reluctance I simply said that I didn't go to their country, they came to ours, and left it at that. Just before I left work I got an e-mail that I'm to meet with HR tomorrow. That ought to be fun.
These fucking people... And for those of us on here who love liars who "do their own research".. it's not just beef farmers they're attacking. They're attacking ALL farmers right now. They think dairy farming is wrong because we all know the horrors of milk, and even grain farmers because "with all the food they make to feed cattle they could be making grains to feed starving children BLAH blah blah..." We all live in an ecosystem and humans are a part of that ecosystem. For us all to just stop eating meat and release all these animals would/could be catastrophic and these people just refuse to accept that. They don't understand how difficult and complex it is to balance an ecosystem. Plus, beef is The Tits so shut. The. Fuck. Up. I'd love the board members experienced in agriculture on here to chime in on this.