I guess you missed the part where I was talking about egg laying chickens. Who spend a couple years in a cage where they can't even stand up.
I did, in fact, miss that. mea culpa I still don't feel bad for the chicken in way I would use the phrase "aren't supposed to be" - I think they're raised to be egg layers. But, I having had fresh eggs from chickens running around free(ish) and regular grocery store eggs, I don't have a sophisticated enough palette to tell the difference. I'll take your word it that those eggs are hugely different.
The ones you linked are nice. The sun is out here for some weird reason. I'm thinking that's reason enough for having a margarita with lunch. Thoughts?
Ya know, I don't know of anyone who runs traps just for the hell of killing something. Besides having a purpose, it actually does require a lot of work and preparation and dedication too (just like hunting does) and the furs are preserved and sold. In other words they didn't trap that animal for nothing. I acknowledge there's things about it that not everyone likes (understandable), but regardless you would learn a lot if you talked with someone who actually does it. I like (no, love) those boots. Shimmered's too. You can have your margarita if I can have a beer. I drove out onto a lake for my lunch yesterday, because I can. Yes it is noticeably warmer today here too and is that the sun out???
Cute boots. Go for the margarita. Because I can't. I also don't remember what sunshine looks like. Damn winter.
There is a difference here, and it differs between livestock species. In cattle, there is widespread feeding of a class of what is technically an antibiotic called ionophores. However, these have a vastly different mode of action than regular antibiotics, and don't cause resistance (as far as we know so far, and since they've been used for at least 30 years, we'd probably know by now). Moreover, these are never used in human medicine. When you hear that number 80% of all antibiotics are fed to livestock, a great proportion of these are ionophores - and there's a couple of other reasons why that 80% number is an exaggeration as well. Most of the other antibiotics used in cattle production are tetracyclines, which people can get OTC for acne. The higher powered drugs, the drugs of last resort, are used very rarely in cattle. That's not to say antibiotics aren't used for prevention in cattle, they are, but it's usually only in high risk animals, to prevent further infections, and in short appropriate doses (either injectable, or in feed for a few days), not low level continuous exposure. Much like how my doctor dosed me with one of the highest powered antibiotics before and after my knee surgery, and how most times you get an antibiotic to prevent infection after you get your wisdom teeth out. Generally speaking, use in humans causes resistance in humans, and use in cattle causes resistance in cattle, with not much evidence supporting use in cattle is causing resistance in people, which is the important bit. This might be different for other livestock species, I'm not qualified to comment on those.
Ugg boots, ugh. My daughter wants some and I had to say no - even the clearance ones are crazy expensive. When she is older and can be more responsible with her shoes, then I will consider getting her some that will last awhile and therefore worth the expense.
I like those riding boots on women. A lady at my work would wear them with pants that looked like the ones horse riders use. It was a good look. Like this:
I hate seeing Ugg boots turned to shit with salt stains in the winter- it looks really stupid to me when you spend that much money on boots and don't take care of them. Or is that supposed to be fashionable too? Leggings, man... leggings.
I wasn't aware Ugg boots were so expensive, they're cheap as shit here and an essential item of any bogan wardrobe.
The problem with Uggs is simple: they designed a winter boot that is entirely not cut out for the whole "winter" thing. I actually nearly hit a college girl with my car last year because she was walking in the middle of the fucking road. Her reason? The sidewalks had snow on them and she didn't want her Uggz to get wet. And you wore them out after a snowstorm WHY? I guess there are fates worse than death.
Well their an Australian brand, there is transport costs that up them over here. So of course they should be cheaper there, just like Levis are super expensive outside the U.S. apparently. Also, since I'm not an Aussie, I had no fucking clue what a "bogan" was and looked it up. Australians are the meanest people on the planet and it's just how I want them to be.
Can someone explain to me the phenomenon of a girl referring to her boyfriend as her "husband" before she even has a ring? Is this like a new thing??
I always looked at Bogans as Aussie white trash. We call them Loogans around here, but they can be confused with gypsies depending on their accessories. What they all have in common is most of the time your tax dollars are paying for their entire lifestyle.