What in the damn hell is wrong with people? The Star Wars characters were ALREADY the most racially diverse group in the universe, since there were, you know Wookies, Toydarians, and Gungans (wait, bad example). How do people have time to come up with shit this stupid? http://www.aol.com/article/2015/10/...htmlws-main-bb|dl29|sec1_lnk2&pLid=1336109247
The bigots get attention, the blogs get clicks, and the readers get to feel smug about being smarter than the racists. Everyone wins.
And, protestors fuel the PR machine, and then . . . minorities who wouldn't have gone to see it line up for opening night? So, Disney / Lucasfilm / also win?
The DJ/radio show I listen to on my way to work said there is a 20 year old guy who works at the station in IT, that has never seen one Star Wars movie. Unrelated, it's foggy and drippy outside. Breakfast for dinner? I think so. Now what to make.
I've never seen a Star Wars movie. I tried to watch one once and it just didn't capture my interest in the least.
I had a high school science teacher who was obsessed with the franchise and we would watch one of the movies on days he didn't feel like teaching. I don't think I've ever watched them outside that classroom. Vader and the light sabers are cool, but the story is a pretty simple mishmash of reheated tropes, the characters are flat, and there is a lot of bloat aimed at selling merchandise instead of advancing the story. I understand it being popular with kids, though, for exactly the same reasons.
http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/food/meal_bundles/alldaybreakfast.html I was 9 going on 10 when the first movie was released. I saw it about 6-7 times that Summer. I begged my parents to take me again and again, and would latch on to any friend I heard was planning to go. I had never seen anything like that. To this day, I can think of only a handful of films that I wanted to see again at the theatre, even a second time. (I've seen Pink Floyd's The Wall and Rocky Horror Picture Show more than twice at the theatre, but both of those are over a 25 year period.) Apart from the story itself, there was so much of the film making that was revolutionary. It won technical awards, spawned new technologies that had to be invented just for that film (and the following ones), and Industrial Light and Magic. ILM was created because Lucas was making the first Star Wars, and for many years to come, ILM was the ONLY place you could get decent special effects for any movie. I don't go to conventions or dress up for premieres or go on nerd blogs to talk about how awful episodes I, II, and III are. But, it damn sure captured my interest as a kid, and I still love it for all its entertainment glory. Star Wars is awesome. And, yes, I already bought tickets to the show for The Force Awakens and I have never bought advance tickets to any film in my life.
I have also never watched a Star Wars movie as a kid my parents would not let us watch them by the time I could go to movies I wanted to see blood and guts. I just don't get what everyone is so excited about.
I was 4 when the first one came out, so I saw it later. I did see 'Empire' in the theatre, and let me tell you what 'the big deal' is: there was nothing, I mean nothing, that even was in the same league with those films when they came out. The story was fantastic - though it seems trite now because everyone has copied it - the special effects were truly 'special,' and the 'Return of the Jedi' - first half - was amazing - though it fell apart big time when the teddy bears got involved.
I can't believe y'all missed this...a couple days ago, 10/18, was the 30th anniversary of the release of the NES. http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/story/30306406/the-original-nintendo-turns-30
Awww, yeah, NES! My bro and I had 3 1/2 games: Mario Bros 1, Mario 3, and Tetris/Duckhunt (Duckhunt counts as 1/2 because it got boring after 5 minutes and even as a 7 year old I wanted to punch that damn snickering dog). Eventually we branched out to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mario 2. Every now and then you'd have to take the game out of the console and blow the dust off. Nowadays, kids would get bored with 3 1/2 games and declare NES a piece of shit after the third time blowing. Since I grew up with a dorky brother who had dorky friends I was subjected to the Star Wars movies. They'd watch all three back-to-back-to-back. Now I just have a dorky husband who reserved tickets at a theater 30 miles away so that he can reserve specific seats on opening night. NERDS, all of yas!
The Nintendo Entertainment System and the SEGA Genesis were my first game consoles. I have many fond memories of playing up Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt and the SEGA's King of the Monster II, Street Fighter II and Sonic the Hedgehog II. Good times. I also got to admit I never saw the original Star Wars trilogy, and at least remembered it, until I was thirteen years old, but I already liked science fiction and fantasy so I took to it well.
Everything you ever needed to know about the NES is scrolled in three simple words: Tecmo Super Bowl. There are others like Super Mario 2, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and Mega Man 2 but TSB is the supreme combination of fun and gameplay of all time.
With all of this Star Wars talk, this would be as good of a thread as any to post pictures of "Slave Leia" Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Before anybody says anything, I realize that three of those ARE NOT Carrie Fisher, but are you really going to give me shit about it? Also, before I settled on these pictures, I did a search under "star wars porn", and y'all don't even want to know what it turned up... Or maybe you do, and you're going to check it out for yourself. It's mostly animation, for the record.