Gross. When they start flinging the window wash water around? All the stations where I fill up, those squeegies are disgustingly old and torn, and the water is a several day old mixture of nasty road grime and stagnant water that hasn't seen soap in 10 years. I'd rather have the gasoline sprayed on me than that stuff.
Pretty sure they did it just so fat K would still be allowed to make medical decisions and stuff for him in case he was rendered unable to and the divorce paperwork got processed. Regardless, still funny.
Incredible, it says that as if it's a GOOD thing. To people already forget what shit-ass clan he's married into? I'll take death, thanks. He didn't almost die. He almost had too good of a time.
I was low key hoping he wouldnt make it so we could officially have the saying "Going out like Odem."
His life really started going off the rails around the time they got married. I would wager that the two events are somewhat connected.
Perhaps it's because the only thing of substance that family has ever donated to society is making us all thankful that V.D. Isn't an airbourne. Oh, and allowing O.J. to run into the loving arms of his caddie, let's not forget that.
I don't see any reason why they couldn't have removed the weapons, but the bombs and other UXO are another story. There's just no real way to determine what's dangerous and what isn't because there's no way to know the condition of the explosive inside the ordnance. Fuck you, Shkreli.
I posted about this in the tattoo thread, but I just got my new shoulder piece done. Hoooooooly adrenaline dump. Almost two hours after a three hour tat and my wife swears I snorted a line on the way home. Something about "well, I definitely can't wash this off" really gets you going.
Just to clarify, the only reason I posted that thing was because of the wording that they "Examined it before blowing it up" while showing mostly uniforms and shit in the picture. I found that hilarious. If he had 60 year old unexploded ordinance, that's a horrible idea and it should've been destroyed. But if they blew up the rest of his shit, that's insane. Which sadly would've fit right in with England's zero tolerance policy
I hate to be that guy, but the hour hand probably shouldn't be pointing directly at a number unless the minute hand is pointing at 12.
just watched Bullshit's Penn and Teller try to take down Noam Chomsky. I thought the show was good but now think it should be called Bullshit upon Bullshit. Fuck them.
It's symbolic for the date 8/9/07. I would have done all the hands together but it looked fucked so we did seven seconds instead. You're supposed to read it literal for the meaning, not as a normal clock.
They have been tearing the SJW epidemic (yes, it is an EPIDEMIC) to shreds and society should keep encouraging them to. I had heard they were dedicating much of this season to tearing apart PC assholes but had no idea how great it would be. The best is that the SJW reaction is pure tears and sour grapes. Now, suddenly Stone and Parker have "lost their edge" (whatever the fuck that means) and have "confused who the good guys really are"...umm, no they have NOT.
I hope this works out. I would SO love for that greasey-haired little half-fuck to get owned by this:
There's thousands of "that guy" out there . . . when Rush's last studio album came out, Clockwork Angels, this cover and the artist Hugh Syme were dragged across the coals for it. Musically, there are several nods to older Rush music, and the cover time is 9:12, or 21:12. Except, the hour hand should be ticked up slightly, about 12/60th of the way to the 10.