Focus: As previously mentioned, more aches and pains. Pretty much daily. Some from past injuries and others due to God knows what. Most days I just push through it. I have prescription meds I use very sparingly. There's always alcohol of course. Speaking of which, I'm usually good after 4-5 at most. Typically no more than 4. I don't even like being drunk anymore, but a mellow buzz is always welcome. Easier the next morning too. I will say one advantage to being over 40. I no longer give a shit about a lot of things.
Remove the clumsy attempt at romance scenes and Jar Jar Binks, all three of the prequels are pretty damned good. Especially Revenge of the Sith. I read a book, the title escapes me now, that discussed the movie and how in the first trilogy someone like Harrison Ford would call Lucas out on the shitty dialogue. However for the prequels, the actors knew it was shit but we're afraid to say anything because he was now such a legendary figure. As for it being better than TFA, I've never thought about it. But now that the excitement of a new movie is over, I can see some of the criticisms of #7 a little clearer. ( For example, it was basically a rehash of Episode 4 )
I thought the Star Wars prequels were fucking garbage. Let’s not mind the horrible Intergalactic Stepin Fetchit and cringe-inducing romance. If Jake Lloyd wasn’t entirely fucking up one movie, Hayden Christiansen was entirely fucking up the other two. Not to mention the retarded video game fight scenes and lousy scripts. I just plain didn’t like them. A pale shadow of table-scraps and trips to the well. Although Darth Maul was awesome.
Am I the only one who thought the Palpatine storyline was really awesome and well done? Compare that to the new movie. "Oooo look it's a death star. It's a really big death star! Let's blow it up! Pew pew pew!" As far as shitty fight scenes, I actually think that is one thing they did better than the originals. The three way light saber fight in the first one is leaps and bounds better than anything in the originals. The script... not so much.
Although never a wrong choice, I’ve seen that one so much. Just watched it last week. Side note: Although I hate that they used CGI in it, it’s remake-slash-prequel is pretty decent, and ties in with the 1982 film more faithfully that any follow-up I’ve ever seen. It just lacks the vise-grip, spine tingling sensation Carpenter created.
We're re-watching the Addams Family (amazing), They Live (terrible but somehow amazing), Dracula: Dead and Loving It (not bad), and Ghostbusters 1&2 this weekend since my girlfriend and I are both sick. Ramping up to some more hardcore horror movies, but loving the shitty 80s/90s movies that are just silly and ridiculous.
I thought I had heard of and seen every mutant that lives in the Australian wilderness. Somehow I missed this one:
Is that the poster for Jeepers Creepers 3? If you were out in space, and you came across this thing you would be losing your shit like nobody could. But because these horrifying-looking things live in either the sea or Australia we pick them up with our hands like they’re our younger sibling. Goby eels and Big-Fin Squids are aliens. Hideous, milky-eyed horrors from the beyond.
I spent the weekend winterizing the place, so am too tired and sore to be anything but quiet. Chipped all the pruned branches that were piled up in the back corner of the yard with the new wood chipper. Did not go all Fargo on it. Winterized all lawn care engines; lawn mower, weed eater, leaf blower, chain saw. Prepped the snow blower and generator engines with fresh gas, clean plugs, and an oil change. Winterized the in-ground sprinkler system. Sprayed nematoads on the lawns to try and kill these fucking grubs. Soiled and fertilized the grass. Put away the deck stuff (umbrella, bird bath/fountain, etc) I’m now enjoying a nice fire in the outside fire pit while making smores, drinking a few Crown and Gingers, and streaming the football game to the ipad and bluetooth speaker while watching my cat chase (and slaughter) a shitload of mice.
This is why I'm glad I don't live where it freezes. Winter for us means you wear a jacket with your shorts.
I set out 22 of those stupid paper lawn waste bags full of leaves this week. The trees in my back yard are a little more than half bare. Fall is my least favorite season.
The wood chipper I have has a leave chute on it, and it pretty well atomizes leaves. I think I went from 15 bags to 1/4 of a bag that I just spread out as mulch, but really will probably blow away in the wind.
Did you get one of those massive gas powered one or one do those smaller ones they sell like on amazon? Because I’ve been thinking about one of the amazon ones for a while, for mulching leaves and such.