Just to ease your fears, when my father got his vasectomy the numbing medication didn't penetrate far enough and he felt every single part of it.
Six day recovery for a male (less in my case). Six week recovery for the woman. I did not want to be out of the saddle for that long.
I'm so glad black jesus isn't still here. I mean, he was funny as hell, but god only knows what kind of sick shit he would post with regards to this current discussion. I'm guessing something less pleasant than this.
In fairness, I don't think there's a single person on this board who, upon seeing that scary ass fucker, wouldn't immediately try to shoot it and light it on fire if they had the capabilities.
I have a vermicomposting bin it could call home. Think of all the worm shit! Wanna hear the worms talk? www.giantearthworm.org.au