Change of plans. No V surgery on Monday. Going to wait until I'm on my wife's health insurance. Everyone can rest easy this weekend knowing that my boys will still be intact come Monday.
Man gets locked in beer cooler, decides to stay overnight and drink. So much awesome in this. First, the dude was in Wisconsin, where they have great beer, and yet he decided to drink an Icehouse tallboy and three Four Lokos (that's IT?!?). Also, the store didn't close when he was locked in there, he just hid when the cooler locked and decided to.... uhm, chill. When they opened it in the morning he ran out. I'm curious how he stayed warm. I'm also curious why he didn't just destroy the beer in there.
I'm just wondering how he didn't go crazy... I cannot imagine drinking a few Four Lokos and then being locked up in a cold, small, confined space.
I got home about an hour and a half ago and was greeted by Crazy. Crazy: "I'm waiting for the cops." Me: "For....?" Crazy: "Something, something, the neighbor, something, something, blah, blah, blah." I saw him a few minutes ago and he was livid. Apparently the cop told him he's got better things to do and to get along with the neighbors. He's spitting every direction like a malfunctioning sprinkler right now.
A pillow over his sleeping head and then a double-tap in the face with a silencer sounds like a spiffy roommate gift right about now
Im going to get to Stranger Things, right after MindHunters. Very well done. David Fincher fans will enjoy. Edit: Shit I wrote that right at the end of the last episode thinking I had more episodes to go. Damn binge watching fucking up my sense of time. Edit duece: Efukt delivers again. The faint of heart might skip the anal bead clip.
I would love to DJ a single wedding where somebody doesn’t request “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” sung by a 750 pound man. I guess they like reliving Dr. Green’s horrible death on ER or something.
How many people clicked that link because of her ass in the preview pane but it was covered during the skit? FAKE NEWS!!!
I swear if those side bar click bait sites didn't have aids I'd click through their shitty content a whole lot more to find the most embarrassing picture ever of the girl in the white with the huge tits.
I just saw a post on Facebook where a girl I knew from college was bragging about how her 1-year-old was such a brave boy and barely cried at all during his first chiropractic adjustment. What the fuck is wrong with people? I, on the other hand, have spent the evening drinking vodka in my office with all of the other lights in the house turned off, because I am a grown man who was not aware that tonight was my neighborhood's trick-or-treat night until the doorbell started ringing.