I hear ya... last year I just picked up and went to the bar for a few drinks and some food... nice excuse to go out for dinner. This year, back in the old neighbourhood, there were maybe 10 kids who came by. Needless to say there's a shit-ton of chocolate to be eaten over the next week or so before it goes bad.
Not sure why are neighborhood has been slow it's a decent neighborhood with many surrounding ones. We used to have a route planned to decrease travel time and increase houses hit. It was 40 minutes in before we had our first kids tonight.
There’s a shit load of kids in South Boston and even more from the less-safe neighborhoods nearby. We went through 3 200-piece bags of candy in 45 minutes. It was unreal the amount we had come through.
I had hardly any kids this year. I'm living in a different place than I did last year and over planned with the candy. I guess November will be for fattening up...
Goes bad? Do you make your own? (It wouldn't surprise anyone if you did) This was our first Halloween at the new house and weren't sure how busy the neighborhood is so we stocked up just in case. We had one group of kids. Which were my wife's son and his friends. Looks like I'll be getting fat(ter)
If it didn’t go bad, you wouldn’t HAVE to eat it ASAP. Right? Therfore it goes bad. Within days, I hear. Game. Set. Match. And no, it wasn’t home made. Costco boxes for the win.
Plus, there are like starving kids in Africa, so you can't let it go to waste. It's your obligation for the betterment of humanity to eat it.
We had about 450 kids last night, our next door neighbour had 22. That doesn’t include the adults that visited which more than doubled the crowd size. Our street was a parking lot for 4 hours because one of our neighbours posted it online and it seemed to bring a torrent of people. Twice the size we’ve ever had.
I must not know any hot spots. Last night we put reindeer antlers on the dogs and took them for a walk in a nearby jumbo middle class type neighborhood that I assumed would have a bunch of kids since we just live on a street. We saw a total of three kids. My parents did not get any trick-or-treaters at their house either. They must have all gone to Canada and Boston trick or treat.
Oh man that bulletproof coffee crap is no joke. My wife wanted to try it so I got the grass fed vegan socialist approved butter shit and some coconut oil. She suggested I try it first. Two miles on the rowing machine and a two mile run later and I still feel like going 12 with Mayweather. Makes you shit like a racehorse though.
Just FYI, I did not invent this technology. http://nypost.com/2017/11/01/your-iphone-has-been-secretly-looking-at-your-boobs/ I mean, I applaud it, but I can't claim credit.
Most people don't realize that the biggest use for Machine Learning is in visual recognition, for things like self-driving cars, or to sort those cleavage shots on your phone. Of course, the single most important use is Hot Dog vs Not Hot Dog.
Ha, that's better than the legs or hot dogs game! http://uproxx.com/hitfix/hot-dogs-or-legs-a-guessing-game/
And just so you know, it's a real app that they built for the show (using TensorFlow Mobile), and it exists in the Google Play and Apple Store. https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/28/thinking-about-hotdogs/
Weird, but cool. I just assumed the idea came from late night texting of dick picks where you try to get the girls to guess hot dog or not a hot dog. If you know what I mean.
By the way, anyone who's at all into technology and writing software should really be watching Silicon Valley... especially if you're at all associated with VC's and startups...
Because the cost of pork has dropped enough for them to make a profit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McRib#Limited_availability