I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. Show up as a clown and watch all the kids run away. My oldest brother turned 39 today, I'm trying to think of the most effective ways to annoy him as he's already sensitive about his age.
Why do the loudest, most annoying parents have the loudest, most annoying children? Fucks sake, this is a business office not a fucking day care.
Some lady from a different department brought in her 17 month old grandchild, dressed in pajamas and is letting him run around.... after loudly proclaiming, "yes, I let him drink coffee... I let my kids drink it when they were little. " Lady, you're a grandmother way younger than you should be. we all know your daughter got knocked up by making bad life choices. You might want to rethink some of the habits and choices you made with your own child before passing them on to a 17 month old.
Today has been a good day. I turned in my tools I've been using while volunteering here at the Corp of engineers park. We had a blast living here in the park the last few months. They want us back next year, hopefully in one of the paid positions. I sailed my little rc boat. https://www.sailrc.com/products/rc-laser/ I twisted my ankle while doing that, so I took a leftover pain killer from an older injury and I'm on my second beer. I have a nice little buzz.
These are the things that make me happy, I golfed in a tournament yesterday and upon arriving at the course in the morning I was greeted by this sign, I talked to one of the attorneys who works there and told him whoever thought of doing this needs to get a raise today.
I was in high school when the first music video channel was spun up. In Canada, Much Music didn't have much content, so they played this video a lot to meet "Canadian Content" rules. None of us complained.
I don't speak French, but I'm assuming the chorus roughly translates to "trying to copy Madonna has not be as profitable as I would've hoped, but she never got to show her boobs on MTV."
Well, it looks like the water main work is almost done... after 3 days. The problem now is that they are doing the final tamping of the filled-in holes... and it's shaking the whole house. I just had a dish fall over in the sink. The cat looks freaked the fuck out.
Going to throw on "Silver Bullet". Great movie for this time of year, and it's 80's as fuck. It has a supercharged wheelchair AND pre-head injury Gary Busey.