I think that Always Sunny may be the show that's made me laugh out loud the hardest and most often out of every other show. There are a million comedies that I love, but even the best ones usually will end up with just a giggle or two an episode.Those cracking up, have to pause it so you don't miss it while laughing, moments only really come from them.
It's Always Sunny is the best! If it weren't already my favorite, I would know it should be because my husband hates it. As if the characters being awful is a legitimate reason not to like a show. He also dislikes Shameless. The man has no taste. I await the responses to that last sentence.
Mac and Charlie Die Part 1 will always be my fave (even over the D.E.N.N.I.S System). The entire sequence of those two retards stealing Dee's car and failing at faking their death gave me cardiac arrest from laughing.
You don't realize that my first obsession was Garth Brooks. I used to listen to him on my walkman constantly. In Pieces was my favorite cassette album. I still own the CD box set. I saw his original "last" concert in 2007 in Kansas City. (Which ended up just being the first night of several at the Sprint Center.)
The League is / was so fucking good. Those people were just awful. I didn't know until a few months ago that the dude that played Kevin was a lying mofo, who made up a story about being in one of the Towers on September 11. Weird. But Rafi? Damn, Jason Mustacheoplus or whatever is funny.
The Implication is my favorite. Always and forever. Followed shortly by Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare.
I don't even know if I could pick a top ten. The Nightman Cometh was the first episode I ever saw and then I immediately had to watch all of the seasons up to that point, so that'll always hold a special place in my heart. The Christmas special is the best and that image of Frank emerging from that couch haunts me at the most random moments. A season or two back I kind of drifted away from it because I thought they might've been getting burnt out and I just forgot to pay attention to when a new season started, but my dad kept texting me about all these episodes I HAD to watch to give them another chance and I'm so glad I listened and caught up. He was especially insistent about the Lethal Weapon episode, which I didn't think I was going to get at all because I've never seen the movie (not sorry about it) but even that had me completely dying. It also helps that I have an enormous crush on Charlie Day.
The Lethal Weapon episodes are the best! Country Mac also holds a special place in my heart! I think I legitimately love every episode. Actually, I think it's the only show that I can actually give you episode names for the ones I like.
Calling Baton Rouge is one I can't help but sing along to. ETA: Was it The Red Strokes video where he was playing the piano and he ended up covered in blood/red paint? Or am I misremembering?