Finished the house(s) two hours before dusk. Gonna drink some beer, eat some fish & chips and then scare the fuck out of people. I have strategically hung spiders with fishing line at adult head-height down a thirty yard span of the sidewalk. You cannot walk this span without at least catching one of them. Never has it looked nearly this awesome. I'll post finished product photos later in the Halloween thread.
Costume plans for tonight changed. I will be Bob Ross and ms. katokoch a happy little tree. I can mimic him pretty well as long as I keep my voice soft.
I'm that kook who rushes out and gets king-sized bars for the kids. I may be going out tonight, I may not. All depends on friends showing up or not. The good news is for the local kids is that my brothers [who are also my two flatmates] are going to be home and become the God-Kings of Halloween in this Post Falls neighborhood.
I'm bailing on Halloween tonight... heading out to the bar to watch the Monday night game during the festivities. I'm moving in a few weeks anyway, so people can judge all they like.
Just watch the local kids tp your house for not handing out free candy. If anyone is trick or treating in my apartment complex I'm calling the cops because there is something seriously psychologically wrong with them.....That or they're wasted and being stupid. The latter seems more likely. I am curious to how many people are dressing up like clowns this year.
As in assed and assless, for starters. Depends on how hardcore your convention is, I assume. Do they actually make the noises of the animals they're dressed as when they fuck? Because I would kind of like to assume that they do.
The internet has your answers, go and ask it, it'll tell you. I think the weirdest image I've posted on here was of furries, and it wasn't so weird because of what they were doing, for some reason the wallpaper out of all the things in the photo, was the creepiest thing going on.
Did I ever post about the time when I was having a party in college and we all gathered round to watch a guy dressed as a cow get a blowjob in an apartment across the street? It was nowhere near Halloween. I didn't know it when I left for the night but thank god I ended up spending my Halloween with a bunch of gays. The person whose house we were at has an Alexa. I wish I recorded everything we were screaming at her. ALEXA! PLAY TORN BY NATALIE IMBRUGLIA. ALEXA! PLAY I'M A BITCH BY MEREDITH WHOEVER! ALEXA! PLAY 7/11 BY BEYONCE! ALEXA! PLAY OOO AHH JUST A LITTLE BIT BY NINA G I THINK! She only occasionally understood what we were saying.
He was just getting milked My work has one and a bunch of highly technical nerds. Pretty sure they've already hacked it to control monitors around the office. "Alexa, put a cat gif in the conference room" is power they wield from their own desks.
A week later and they're still working on the water main outside of my house. Fun times. Today I get to play "no water day" apparently.