Mental note: when you show your kid The NeverEnding Story for the first time, keep in mind how much Gmork scared the flying fuck out of you as a kid before you consider it.
A buddy of mine was a forward observer during the first Gulf War.Basically he and his crew would sneak across the lines and just observe what the Iraqis were doing. He saw a lot of them in trenches eating onions like apples.I like onion,
I've done that. It's a hell of a hangover cure when I drank. Right now seasonal allergies are horrible in texas. You get to a point where you can only take so much medicine without overdosing on something or getting into the shit that knocks you out for the day, so you take a small yellow onion and eat as much as you can stomach. It'll clear you right out. Then your breath will clear out every one else you encounter the rest of the day, but it does work.
I feel like I have a lot of ground to cover here because my husband just got home and I felt like I should socialize with him for at least a few minutes. 1.) Mushrooms are amazing. Especially on pizza but also sautéed in garlic. That's not even taking into account morels which are gods gift to humankind. 2.) Tomatoes are generally disgusting, but I have nothing against tomatoes in chili or tacos or Rotel dip. 3.) Clamato is amazing. Stop pretending it's not. Bud Light Cheladas are tasty as fuck and I prefer a Caesar over a Bloody Mary. Yeah, I said it!
I will never understand women and God bless me I've been trying like hell lately. Best thing Al Bundy has ever said:
Clamato, vodka, spice, and garnish is a great drink called a Caesar. All you picky eaters can suck a dick.
Every now and then, I like to send my sister the video of Artax sinking in the Swamp of Sadness. Everybody likes to be surprised by the most depressing movie scenes from their childhood.
I'm a picky eater. I have nothing against sucking dick. I like Clamato and Caesars. When shall I move to Canada?
Minneapolis isn't too far from Missouri. You could meet Kampf and Kato, and its not too far from Canada.
Can someone give me a quick, dirty primer on ipods? Like...what generation they're on now? I have a 4th generation classic (30GB) that shit the bed. It just makes a clunk, clunk noise and refuses to do anything else. It did this about a year ago and I'm lazy, so I'm just now getting around to addressing the fact that I have no music in my truck. It's finally starting to annoy me. Edit: Actually, I think it's a 5th gen classic. I just plugged it in and yes, all it wants to do is make clicking noises like a dolphin and occasionally light up to show me the URL for Apple along with an icon of an ipod with a sad face.
Minneapolis is 7 and a half hours away from me. That's a ways. It literally only takes a few minutes. It's fine.
DON'T LET THE SADNESS OF THE SWAMP GET TO YOU!!! That is what did my daughter in, she wouldn't watch after that. Big, wet sobbing tears Jesus h CHRIST I felt bad. She's never seen something like that in a movie before. So, I put Labyrinth on. And she's glued. Like, fucking hypnotized. Loving every second. It's thirty years old. I've been experimenting her with movies from my youth. She loved Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and Adventures in Babysitting. Hated The Goonies. Because of the scene where they threaten to torture Chunk. And as I keep telling my wife "One day soon I'm showing her Poltergeist snd there's NOTHING you're gonna do to fucking stop me!!!!" Sorry, it's rated PG and that will hold up in court.
My five year old cries like a baby every. single. time. we watch Fox and the Hound. Granted, she asks to watch it every time. Damn it if every time Tod gets left in the woods she doesn't cry with a "his friends will never find him!" sob. Same deal with Beauty and the Beast. I think she cries 5 different times in that movie. Personally, now that I'm an adult I can't watch Land Before Time without crying when Spoiler Littlefoot's mom dies That movie never bothered me until I was pregnant with my oldest. Now I'm a mess and she's five freaking years old.
So what's the harm in using expired hand sanitizer? Will it just not kill the 99.9% of germs as it claims? Or will it create some form of super powered germ colony that will bring about the zombie apocalypse? Asking for a friend...