So I need to torrent TWD and where does one go these days for them? PirateBay or KAT have any decent mirrors?
Just last night I had to comb through the bowels of the internet for 30 minutes, trying to stream a copy of Season 3/Episode 5 of The Fall. Episode 1 was straight-up available on YouTube. As the weeks pass they're clamping down. Regional blackouts drive me nuts. When you pay for cable, Netflix, Crave AND Shomi (RIP) and there are shows that "aren't available in your area," it should be illegal.
No to cable or no to being poor. I hate that my tax dollars go to poor people who complain about not having cable.
No to cable. I paid for it myself as a poor college student with too many headaches and burnt holes in my wallet to go back. Don't watch enough sports I can't see outside of antenna or going to a bar. There are some little pain points like not being able to catch first runs of water cooler shows. On the other hand I also don't have to put up with commercials anymore (you know outside of the hislut .com ads before streaming porno).
I'll take you up on the catcus but no, cats are not awesome, they may not suck as much as a hamster, but they are not awesome.
Cats do have their upsides I guess, but I just don't understand if your a guy why you'd chose one over a dog. I get why women like them.
Had a pretty shitty rodent problem in my shithole apartment my first year out of school. Landlord was a drunk pollak and wouldn't do anything about it. So I got a cat and let him fuck shit up in the basement.
I have a dog already but I want him to have a friend and I don't want to get another dog. I'm still not decided yet but during my inspection this morning I came across that kitten.
Sounds like you're (<---- take note) the one with the mental deficit, because cats rock. Mine is a fucking savage... he took on a raccoon two nights ago and won... he regularly kills rodents (today alone we're up to 3 voles), and he's very, very low maintenance. And he likes to hang out in the shop while I work. I also like dogs, and plan to get one soon, but there's nothing wrong with cats.