I hate infowars more than anybody, but the bare bones of that is true, the guy who started it is Warren Scherer, another early 20's child who thinks he knows the fucking world better than anybody and that somehow being offended is real and matters. Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Not only do none of those things matter, but the people who think them ESPECIALLY don't matter. Until somebody can come up with valid proof that a micro aggression is more valid than dried dog shit, these people need to sit down and shut the fuck up before they turn every college in America into a fucking joke.
I surprised my husband with a ticket to last nights Royals playoff game. Turned out to be the best fucking game ever. What should I expect in return?
Fuck hurricane patricia. We already had a small tornado touch down on the place yesterday, about two hundred yards from the house and knock down some oak trees. Now I'm about to go get the generator ready because I'm just waiting for the power to go out.
Passionate oral sex, diamond earrings.. What you will get in reality is a series of wet farts while he makes dad noises on the couch, unbuckling his belt to let the hotdog and beer belly breathe, then roughly 6 minutes of aggressive pickle relish smelling sex and a nap. Married life is belissimo.
Well, I'm an idiot. Decided to get my shoulder tat done all at once because it didn't hurt, instead of breaking it up into sessions. Took about 3.5 hours. Now it's bruising like crazy. I knew I should have broken it up but I didn't want to have something that looked incomplete on me and he was fine doing it just at once. 36 hours later and it feels like my arm got hit by a truck.
Getting my tattoo on the center of my back stung like a motherfucker while getting it and then felt like a bad sunburn while it healed. I don't miss that. I just broke a pinky toe last night after stubbing it against the stairs in my basement. This is just great. It doesn't hurt unless I put weight on it, then it really sucks. Hobbling around for a few weeks will be fun.
I had a large tattoo done on my back, 10 hours total in the chair. The needle near the bottom of the neck on my spine felt like she was removing said spine with a rusted ice hook. Still the only time pain has driven me to tears. Also getting a tattoo on any ticklish/not often used area will make you feel the burn. The BAD burn. People tell me the tricep can be excruciating.
I broke a big toe once, playing tennis-ball soccer in sandals (don't ask), and it was a real fucking pain. Nothing they could do about it... didn't even bother splinting it... it just sucked and hurt for a long time until it just kind of stopped hurting.
A good amount of my shoulder tat wraps around and definitely hits the tricep. That area almost felt good, very similar to if someone was drawing on you with a permanent market. The only part that really felt a little painful was the part that wrapped around into the interior of my shoulder, but even then I'd say at most it was a 3 on a 1-10 scale. Inner arm tat was more an annoying than anything The worst part about the shoulder was having to sit still for three and a half hours. I agree that it feels very similar to a sunburn. The skin exfoliating afterward and all that itching is in my opinion the worst part. They say tats are earned not given. Spoiler I also have an insane pain tolerance, so take that for what it is. Brain surgery will do that to you. I've also broken 9 bones that I can confirm with X-rays, including my back which I then ran a mile and a half on. I've broken my nose so many times I just re-set it myself while the adrenaline is still going. In regard to the not being able to splint broken bones thing, I have this weird condition (genetic, thanks mom!) wherein the cartilage between my ribs can become inflamed and cause one or multiple of the ribs to essentially dislocate. Nothing you can fucking do but grin and bear it, though lying down helps a tad. The first time I had it I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the ER. Turns out that's what heart attacks feel like, except with the numbness in the arms. Doctor told me to be careful, as people with this relatively obscure condition can get used to it happening and will chalk up other more serious things to it like broken ribs, or actual heart attacks.
I only just got my first tatt a few month ago and it was on the inside of the bicep. Was all good until the two hour mark when the cumulative effects started to build up. As for broken bones, I've done toes and chipped most of the knuckles in my fingers through cricket or hockey. I concur with the massive suckage that is any sort of rib injury. I still wish I had broken my collarbone instead of dislocated it. It's still not right.
I've never broken arms, legs or digits. Thank god. I have broken my ribs twice, my tailbone (which will never fully heal) and I have a floating chip in my elbow. They all sucked because they can't be cast and basically hurt all the time.
Richard Dawkins speaks for us all. This pissed off half the SJWs on the planet (because they're pussies):
Want to make your head explode? http://sjwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page#.VizfSyudzGt I sometimes wonder if they're just in it for the irony. They abhor all forms of intolerance, yet are completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't share the same views as them.
But ideas and dissension make me feel queasy and afraid! I want to viking raid their dorm rooms, stinking of whiskey and playing Wagner like Kilgore before a raid. No prisoners. Hang all of them on door hooks by their man panties. It makes me sick to think these people get laid.
That's the ultimate irony to me about the whole thing. I used to date a girl like this. She was awful. Any kind of perceived political incorrectness was met with swift condemnation and categorization. "You're a sexist, racist, misogynist..." or whatever other -ist word she could come up with to place you into a box. And there could be no discussion. If you disagree with them, you are wrong and that's it. You can't tell them jokes. "How many points do I get for running over the guy in the wheelchair?" "That's so disablist of you! He has real struggle in his life and you reduce him to point values!" "I just want you be as open minded as me." That was pretty much the thing that put me over the edge. The complete lack of self awareness that they are just as bad as the people they hate, just on the other side of things. She would fill her head with sjw garbage from terrible blogs that encourage personal victimhood. And then hide behind me and pull me real close if a black guy was walking on the same sidewalk as us.
About 4 or 5 years ago I went through a long phase where I was constantly banging my little toes on something - tables, door jams, whatever - and it was excrutiating. Then suddenly it stopped happening. I don't know what made it start happening or what made it stop. Bodies are strange. I still stub it every once in a great while, and every time I do I recall that odd phase and hope it isn't starting again.
Awesome. Dude buys 2 acres in bumblefuck Utah and declares himself a sovereign nation. http://www.zaqart.com/zaqistan/zaqistan.html He even issues his own passports and has "Robotic" Guardians.
Ok. These Sovereign Nation fucktits make me laugh. I worked with one years ago(Domino's in college, dude was easily 60). Never asked him why he didn't print his own money instead of working. He came up to me one day and declared he didn't pay taxes, neither should I. Ok, buddy, the IRS will find you one day, soon as you make more than 15k a year. He was also very concerned with a cloud of Saharan desert dust making its way over the ocean. A fairly natural occurrence, but he was terrified it held other portents. So, all of these people hold similar whakadoodle beliefs. It is not a coincidence the overlap of anti-vaxer, conspiracy theorists, gluten free, and government persecuted. I would love to see the justice department vaporize Cliven Bundy. Not arrest him, literally vaporize him and all his land and possessions.