Yeah... I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when the story first broke, but fuck that now. They've been recording his calls for 4.5 years... how could they let it go on that long?
Yeah, her heart's in the right place, but holy shit is it the absolute worst execution. Other parents have gone around and provided the houses with specific gifts for their kid who has issues, but fuck her.
Aye, that's just lazy shit. Had a guy from a couple doors down ring my doorbell just after dinner. Met him a year back when I first moved into this neighborhood. He asked if I wouldn't mind giving out some specific treats to his boys when they came knocking. He gave me a picture of them in their costumes so I'd recognize them and was really appreciative when I said I'd do it. And of course I agreed to help out. He did the legwork to ensure his boys could enjoy halloween like everyone else, despite a severe nut allergy. That's dad of the year material right there.
Peanut allergies are fucking horrible. I've seen some students who can literally die just by being exposed to them. I agree with everyone above about how to properly go about giving your kid a good Halloween if they have severe allergies. But if I lived in a neighborhood, I wouldn't give out peanut products simply due to an abundance of caution. The shitty thing is, some parents don't know about the allergies until it's too late, and I wouldn't wanna be the dude who sends a kid to the hospital (even if it was accidentally). Now what I can't stand are the people who try to convince others about healthy halloween snacks and that shit. Fuck you. Halloween was invented by dentists I think. If you want your kids to not gain weight, let them run from house to house like I used to instead of driving them around in your shitty soccer mom golf cart while you drink white zinfandel over ice from a solo cup and tell everyone you still like to have a good time "once the little ones go to sleep." Fuck you suburban health nuts and your lululemon pants, back to the future looking life jacket vest, ugg boots and sun visor when it's dark outside.
If there were any manners at all in that notice Im sure almost anyboy would cooperate. People who actually hand out candy OBVIOUSLY don't hate kids. Except the ones who hand out raisins, fuck those terrorists. We give out bags of chips anyways, but I'd have half a mind to stonewall that kid just to piss off that woman even more.
The carrots made me laugh but the necco wafers suggestion is straight from Satan. No kid could ever be fooled into thinking that carrots are candy. But necco wafers give the appearance of being sweet and tasty. That's pure evil right there.
OMG, this man is a poet and a genius. I was crying laughing today.
I'm seriously curious where all these peanut allergies have come from. When I was young, many years ago, no one seemed to have them.
It's Abbot and Costello, fuckface. Tread lightly or I'll pull out my three inches of fury and mushroom slap you.
I remember reading a study a while ago they said it was a self fulfilling prophecy, people were worried about peanut allergies so they didn't give their kids peanuts which in turn made them get peanut allergies.
Makes perfect sense. I knew a guy who as kid was raised vegetarian, he gets ill when he eats red meats. Poor, poor bastard. Not his fault his mom was crunchier than peanut brittle.
When did Nikki Cox transform her face into a first baseman's mitt? Fuck plastic surgery, Homes. It only works out for car crash victims. You should look up Judge Reinhold now. Fucker could pass for Korean.
So do kids grow out of these allergies? I no not a single adult with a deadly peanut allergy. Da fuq?