Maybe it is because I am not a parent, but if a kid who even looks at a peanut sends them near death, perhaps they aren't supposed to live. Kids with cancer are more resilient. I feel like this is the year where someone gets sued for giving out candy with nuts in it. It is bound to happen. The pearl clutching and exceptionalism is reaching ridiculous heights. The inevitability of some twunt not to do their own leg work for their kids' Halloween safety is nearing the narrowest of margins. Happy Halloween from The Yuppies! We ruin everything!
Yeah, kinda this - they probably all died. It could be that it took us this long to know what was killing them. My dad grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania and never had shellfish until he joined the Army. He had an allergic reaction, but the docs guessed that it was strawberries. The next reaction was much more severe and they finally pinpointed it. He said they told him the next time would be deadly, so he never had shellfish again. Growing up I never ate it either, joking that I was standing in solidarity with him - but really I just thought it was grody. Now that I know different, dad's on his own.
That guy is an absolute genius of humour. That is one of the funniest things I've ever read. Somebody give him a book deal to word vomit for 300 pages. I absolutely howled