This seems like solid advice. I don't see any downside. You could also replace the toilet paper roll with a roll of duck tape.
Fuck. Ing. Hell. Apparently there is a show where friends/family pick a tattoo for someone else to get... and here's a video of one of the reveals. I have to give the guy credit... he took absolute, full, complete, 100% advantage of the opportunity that was given to him to fuck his friend over. Well done, sir. Well done.
My whole department is gone to a baby shower. I wasn't invited. Last time they invited me to a baby shower I gave the baby a hammer. They think I'm insane. Jokes on them....that was my plan....I'll never be invited to another baby shower here again.
*Furiously youtubes* This one might be more evil.... That's the male and female host. The host goes by the nickname "bear." Apparently the female host cheated on her boyfriend, with Bear. So he gave her a tattoo that's half a bear, half a cheetah. "Cheat-er".... get it? It's permanent. And on TV. He ruined her life for a joke. At least the asshole one was funny.
I find that one funny as hell, too... you know the old saying... play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
There's a ton of videos of them getting their tattoos lasered off too. I wonder if they had it in the contract that they'd pay for a cover-up or removal? Though given the stories I've heard from my artist, there's dumbasses who will do anything for a free tattoo (like letting apprentices practice on them) so it wouldn't surprise me if they just didn't even get paid for appearing on the show. He's had multiple people walk out in the middle of un-finished tattoos, the outline work not even done, saying they couldn't take the pain. Some parts don't feel great yeah, but if you can handle a cat scratch you can handle tattoos. When I got my last piece a few days ago, my second son's name on my arm, a dude walked in asking about the feasibility of some cover up work. His name was "Johnny" and his buddy, who he said was drunk at the time, did it in his kitchen, wrote "JONY" down his arm in massive block letters, and the Y was backward. He said he did it with a "tattoo machine" made from hair clippers and a guitar string, cost him $30. My artist and I started cracking up. He didn't think it was funny. That's what you get though. This Harvey Weinstein thing could set off a really interesting cleansing of a lot of douchebaggery. If more and more people keep coming forward, it will be really interesting to see which people high up in the movie and television business get viking funerals. I think Weinstein is gonna kill himself.
Yeah I did that more because the lettering was blocky. Each letter was a little over an inch tall. The dude who did it was trying to be fancy with the lettering and messed up the part where it was supposed to be spelled properly. You'd think your first clue he wasn't good was the fact he had to rig a tattoo machine out of a beard shaver and guitar string. Hell they sell actual tattoo machines on amazon for under $100. I'm sure no bad decisions have ever been made with one of those.
Oh, come on, Nett. Like 'nerds would know how to give himself a self tattoo by ordering one of those.