No, I just swore I could have had her pegged for the northeast, and when she told me New Orleans, I was shocked.
Still trying to win Rush? Not happening! Maybe you need to PM them to me. Then the board will still work. I just don't want your efforts to be wasted.
How so? I mean, looks wise tats might not be your thing but I'd still give her a solid 8. Personality? Based on plenty o nudes and tasteless Halloween costume a trashy argument could be made. But who wants that? Some prim and proper girl is going to want you to sit down to pee.
She goes by someskankinmi is 22 and likes to post naked pics of herself on the internets, she is probably very popular amongst the males in her area as girls like that were my kryptonite when I was younger. It is apparent to me that she does not put a whole lot of thought into the choices she makes, so having feelings of empathy for people who got bombed and had bloody bodies stacked in the streets is probably not on her radar. She made a very poor choice and lost her job and she probably learned a lesson that she won't forget, but people are taking it a bit far by threatening to murder her and her family. Those people are really no better than the bombers. This just in someskankinmi will be in the champagne room tonight as she found another job.
I love a trashy girl. Always have, always will. And no, I'm not referring to my wife, who is truly a super classy girl. But man, thinking back to my youth, trashy girls are my best memories by far. I suddenly want to watch 'Joe Dirt.' Love that movie.
The best sex in my early to mid 20's was with trashy trailer parkish chicks. I unfortunately thought I could try to date one. But you can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. Fun while it lasted though.
She can't be white trash. White trash love 'Murrika too much. Probably just a fucking idiot who doesn't know what the too soon window is, but that designation is a bit much. She could def get the D though.
I'm sure she's a nice girl. Who puts out immediately after "Hello". And probably does anal on the first 'date'.
If this is true, I can definitely overlook the tasteless halloween costume. Although I would try to negotiate anal during the first date. You gotta aim high so you have somewhere for the conversation to go.
Am I the only one that isn't completely obsessed with getting anal? I mean, it's cool and all, but I'd much rather spend my brownie points/sexual capital getting blowjobs that take zero effort on my part than anal sex that mandates a shower immediately after.
Ahem... Some of us here have a little thing called we call "class" and prefer the allure of fisting and rim-jobs.
If done right, its pretty fucking awesome. But you gotta let the girl be in charge otherwise, it will never happen again for you. Good use of "brownie points" in an anal discussion though. Respect.