Any guy who likes cats is weird. There are no exceptions to this. I think normal guys like dogs for a reason, they're simple and happy. I cat is usually somewhere between pissed off and annoyed and temporarily content. A dog is usually somewhere between hungry, happy and sleeping. Small dogs do not count. They are in the same category as cats or rodents.
You know who else hated cats? Hitler. Dogs are too needy. I don't need to be slobered on or nudged every 3 seconds when I'm sitting on the couch, and I don't want to go around picking up shit in my hands. Cats are chill, bury their own shit, and only occasionally go into several full on sprints through the house at 3AM.
Ever hear of a litterbox? At least a dog has the decency to shit outside. Cats don't need you and don't want you around, a dog is thankful you're there and likes your presence. Whereas a cat resents you and expects you to scoop up its shit out of the shitbox in your house.
... Said the guy who I can only guess has never owned a cat. I personally like dogs more because of their character and personality but there is one thing that is for sure: Animals dont have "decency", consciences or a sense of real hygiene. Do you think a dog wouldn't shit all over every square inch of your house unless you tirelessly trained it so? Dogs, no matter how smart they are, are complete idiots. And they have to be told and taught everything.
I had cats growing up, two in fact, they were ok, but I was a little kid so I loved everything back then. I didn't like them so much that after they died I wanted another one. They were OK, but dogs are more endearing, and I stand by what I said earlier, only weird guys like cats. Of all the creatures in the world, there's nothing better than an old, patient, loyal dog.
If your cat is indoor/outdoor, it shits outside too, and you never have to clean it up, because they'll bury it. Dogs will leave bombs all over your yard, or you'll have to literally pick their shit up in your hands if you live in the city. Cats cuddle and sit on your lap, dogs pant in your face and knock shit off your coffee table with their tails. And gosh, do you come off desperate and insecure about a pet that doesn't need to be in contact with you at all times. The things you say about cats are the stereotypde lies put forth by people who for some reason think cats are unmanly, and have never owned one. The shit I say about dogs is true.
How can anyone not like dogs or cats? Some cats/dogs are shitty idiots, just like some people are, sure. Domesticated animals in general, though, are fucking awesome. They're a different species, and they want to be your pal. That's badass.
I don't have too many problems with dogs(By dogs I mean not rodent sized yappy shit stains) as long as they don't jump or slobber on you but cats are heaps cooler. I used to have two that would bring me gifts. I'd wake up in the morning and find one of them sitting next to a full grown rabbit or duck, normally headless, meowing at me as if to say look at this, I'm fucking awesome and I got you this. Not to mention they make excellent feet warmers in winter.
I like cats and I have all kinds of chest hair. I just don't fit anywhere in your world view do I? You're also being pretty judgmental for a guy who has been lying to all his friends about having a job.
I too am in this boat. I have cats, and always have had them. I currently cat sit and walk dogs for a living. They're different, obviously, but to me they both have their charm. I love my two cats. One is quite dog like in seeking affection. The other is more skittish, but comes out at night for attention from me. I love them both. As said above, my pets couldn't give a shit what kind of day I had, if I killed 15 people, or am an asshole in general. They love me. All they ask is that I'm kind to them. And there is something nice about a relationship where kindness is repaid with kindness. I also have chest hair. And a few gray ones. I don't want to go into it more than that.
Why did solo cups become a symbol of everything unfancy, simple, and blue-collar, when they are in fact the cadillacs of the disposable party cup?
I like both dogs and cats, dogs more. Guys that are just into cats are weird. One of my high school buddies is super into his two cats. He is odd and temperamental JUST like cats are, he also is the guy who will NEVER answer his phone to do anything and only will contact you if he feels like doing something.
I grew up with a couple cats, 3 dogs, chickens, rabbits, and a pig. Now I have a cat only because I couldn't get a dog. He's awesome though and minds his biznatch.
Every once in a blue moon, almost by accident, when I am least looking for it, I see in myself a flash of excellence. And then I immediately think: "Where the fuck have you been all my life?" That me really irritates me. It's like 'yes, you do have some modicum of potential, but you'll only see it so rarely you'll actually question if that really happened."
My concern is why he no longer has that awesome plantation-owner goatee. He could have passed off as the heir to the KFC fortune.