Oh you know, just a rough night out. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/11/07/Drunk-Man-Wakes-Up-in-Body-Bag-in-Morgue-After-Big-Night-Out" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013 ... -Night-Out</a>
Much as I might complain about perpetual drunk threads and "same-old-same-old", I was like a junkie unable to get a fix without this place last night. I felt so bad, in fact, that I took today off work sick. That's a lie. I have a spa appointment and didn't feel like booking it as vaca.
As usual, the Onion was there first: http://www.theonion.com/articles/nude-biden-wakes-up-on-cold-slab-in-dc-morgue,34243/ It's funny, 'cause its the Vice President.
Had a presentation yesterday at work, and as a supporter of small business, thought I'd give the restauraunt next to me a chance to provide the food. I requested *snacks* for roughly 20-30 people. Not a meal, a snack. I expected to spend anywhere between $150-$200. To provide cold cut sliders, cookies, and tea he quoted me $330. I was speechless to say the least. When I told him that was twice my budget he started getting offended, "well I already bought the food! I'm down $100". Bad idea on his part. So he just admitted he was going for a 200%+ markup on goddamn cold cut sandwiches. I told him no thanks and went to Chik Fila for platters. That was more than enough and cost $130. I have no qualms about paying a little more to support small business, but he was obviously trying to rip me off and i called hom out on it. No wonder his restauraunt is struggling, he lost my business.
Way to suck then fun out of life. So I missed it, is this MRSA a permanent deal like the herp? Some sort of staph infection? Problem is, is that the main people that buy these food platters with ridiculous mark ups are companies charging shit to expense accounts that don't care about negotiating price so the restaurants go wild. *edit: fucking new autocorrect BS.
I work on sanitation trucks and MRSA is a constant risk, we have 1-2 guys a year get it, garbage trucks are fucking nasty.
I was trying to figure out if it's chronic as well. Seems some people beat it and others struggle with it the rest of their life.
Its serious and needs to be treated as such. The discussion yesterday was about how to treat the person who has it. Not as an STD is the general consensus.
Hmmm... maybe I should have been more aware of this when I was doing working on septic sewers. Sounds like it was a lesson for him on how to NOT to potential customers on pricing.
the Boston marathon victim costume girl has competion. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/11/teens-wear-burning-twin-towers-halloween-costume/ I honestly don't care what these girls dress as, but the least they can do is own up to their own bullshit. Sorry, try again. How about "We wanted everybody to think we are edgy and clever, and win this club contest so we can go shopping."
I'm gonna go next year as a Nazi and drag a papier mâché dead Jew behind me. Ballsack can do that or he can go as a slave master and find black people to keep on a chain! Because these aren't offensive! They are depicting horror to expose an atrocity!
I have a long diatribe prepared, but I'll go with the following: Are we really that surprised that this generation seems to do these things more than prior ones given the fact that we (as a society) only reward excellence/shock value? I'm surprised more kids don't think the road to success in life isn't about creating conflict and drama. While at a certain point, we make our own decisions and are responsible - maybe the adults in America need to think a little bit more about the moral set we are imparting to our kids. When we elevate no talent shocking sex tape makers, overly aggressive reality stars and sports stars that spend more time on their victory dances than doing their job, just what are we (as an older generation that should know better) telling young folks? We reap what we sow.
A co-worker brought in a bunch of tea and I made the mistake of trying some herbal "De-Tox" stuff. It smells okay but tastes like hotel soap. This is bullshit.
I had a group of friends a couple years my junior, from a very affluent part of town. They did absolutely nothing that did not involve embroiling themselves in any and all personal drama in which they could engage, fabricate, or spread. No hobbies, no interests. Only drinking, fucking each other, spreading vitriol and hate. Each one of these people came from a broken or complacent home of solipsistic parents. It is endemic here. You're on the right track. I'm not saying this as an old fucker either, I had the same opinion 6 years ago on them. The idea of a family unit, of family values is ridiculous to me. Family values is a loose, sloppy term for someone else's perceived notion of moral righteousness. Screw that. What it looks like to me is a breakdown of boundaries, communication, basic love between lost, bored kids and lost, bored parents, both of whom have no idea what they're doing. So, really, this all Obama's fault. Damn Moozlims eroding the Second Amendment.
This mayor is like a crap onion. Layers and layers of shit that you just keep peeling back. One thing's for sure - don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.