If it's a legitimate threat to your safety? I would do what you have to do to try and get it changed. Unless your boss is a lunatic, I would clearly express your concerns to her, first - doesn't matter if you think she'll change it; get your thoughts on record so she feels a little surprised later on. I mean, what's more important than your safety? Certainly not what your boss thinks of you.
This is good advice, also, how obviously dangerous dangerous is it? Like, is it one of those things that 9/10 people would call your boss a fucking idiot for enforcing, or is it only obvious to you because of your training and perspective? Also, we have no idea what the environment is at your work, do they often side with employees or do they usually ignore you?
Without further information, I'll say the following: Personal safety usually trumps job security. Assuming your job isn't inherently dangerous (i.e. firefighter, police officer, etc.).
Good point. Also, I think when you have a conversation with your boss, it's important to work in the phrase "because it was a recommendation from The Idiot Board." And, dress like this:
She's a probation officer if memory serves, so safety could certainly be an issue in the field. As far as the question, your safety should come first. Advise might vary depending on exactly what the threat is, but if it's an eminent threat, I would say it's your responsibility to point it out to upper management regardless of how your immediate supervisor feels. If you are going to engage upper management, cover your bases, discuss it with your supervisor and follow up in email so there is a paper trail. You should probably engage HR to make note that you fear for your safety. If you have a union, engage your union representative as well. Once that is done, go above her head as soon as possible.
Ugh. The people on that fucking show should be euthanized. Saving a buck is one thing, but actually being proud of being a brazenly cheap fuck? Hang your head in shame. Bums and raccoons dig through trash. You're just pathetic.
So I got some MTC Oil and tried this bullet proof coffee recipe. Taste good. Buzz is surprisingly not as jittery but I did take some afrin this morning so my heart rate is already jacked. I think the butter is fucking with my stomach. Might skip that tomorrow and the afrin to see how it goes.
This other woman hadn't purchased clothing since 1998. She lives in shambles. All of her furniture consists of things she found in dumpsters or on the streets. She had some friends over for dinner. All of the food was shit she found in trash cans outside of high end grocery stores. She then served this big pile of spoiled mush to her friends, and one went to go vomit when she found out it came from a trash can. She fed her friends trash. Oh, and NONE of these people buy toilet paper. One family uses little tiny hand towels and they throw them in a bucket, wash and reuse them. The others do some sort of cleaning. Its like they can't enjoy life because every waking moment is thinking about ways to save money.
I'm all for saving a buck and getting a bargain, but if I went to someone's house and found moist rags in a bucket instead of a roll of Charmin, I would be very upset.
Yes, I am 15. WTF? Of all your dumb observations, this is the dumbest. Only 15 year olds like boobs? While you've got your "penis into the hole," what are you looking at / licking / holding? They're not called naked bars or vagina bars, they're called titty bars? The popular restaurant isn't Camel Toes, it's Hooters. Tits stopped being cool? Your argument is invalid. So, you don't like ass either, just because you found out vaginas exist? You're wrong. Tits are cool. They're gloriously cool, and they never go out of style. A pictorial through the years of naked women will reveal various hairstyles and body types that are more popular than others, shaping and amounts of pubic hair - what hasn't changed? Boobs. Shut up 'sack. All hail the boobie.
Its funny because I just found that show last night too. With anything these days half of it was hammed up and staged for the camera. Dude picking up the wedding rice and such. But yeah Im all for being frugal but some of that shit is just mental disorders manifesting themselves. Also, titties rule...
Pink Candy, if you take no other advice given here it is imperative you take this piece. I'm afraid I'll need proof as well. You know how it goes. Safety is paramount. You can't be a good officer if you're a dead officer. Having said that, I know how the politics go, so you need to decide just how bad your boss's implemented rule could jeopardize you and your partner's safety. Also, think about how to get your point across by other means. Is it unsafe to the point that you have to (or could) call in Uni's more often? If PD has to respond every time you check up on a probie, they're going to get REAL tired of it, real fast. Especially when you tell them you wouldn't be calling them in if <insert rule> wasn't in effect. Calls will be made to your boss, your boss will yell at you, and you can then bring up your safety concerns once again. If you're considering going up the chain then you believe (know) someone higher up will agree with you, right? If you have doubts, you need to get creative as to how you're going to handle this.
Ok, here is the very abridged version. My partner and I were out in the field until 12:30am last night. We worked an 11 hour shift. Our county is a very backwoods Podunk part of the state. Think no streetlights and dirt roads. We were exhausted. Our reaction time, as you probably know, is off due to fatigue. Plus, no one wants their PO knocking at their door at midnight. We've had a few go batshit. We do have a right to see them at any hour, but it makes me very uncomfortable, not to mention I don't want to wake up families with kids. We have no radios. Someone goes insane in some remote area, we're fucked. Between my partner and I, we have 65 people to see at least 2x a month. About half work until 7-8pm. Here's the rule that's bad: our chief will not let us go into the field more than once a week at night. So, we're scrambling to get our night contacts in before the 25th, which is also a rule she has implemented. The only night we're allowed out is Thursday. That is the night of the aftercare class I supervise. It ends at 7pm. All said and done, we're not going out to see our evening felons until 7:15. We had thirty people to see last night. So, we're begging her for a second night, she keeps saying no, we should be able to get it done. We're out doing these contacts at midnight with pretty much no backup. If we had a second night, we'd be done by 9:30 tops. Not to mention we'd have our contacts in earlier in the month (which makes her look good). Some may think it's not imminent danger. It probably isn't. But I sure as hell don't want to be staring down the barrel of a gun bc someone thinks we're walking up to their trailer to rob them or god knows what else. My and my partner's safety is the most important thing. What happened last night made me think we're putting ourselves in an even more dangerous situation than the one we already face. She won't listen to us. That's why I'm wondering if I go above her head.
What's her hang up about a second night? OT? Any chance of changing nights so you can start earlier than 7:15? sounds like she's fucking with you for some reason. Look, I agree, being out that late after a full work day isn't optimal. You're tired, slow, not on your game. You're going to miss shit you'd otherwise notice, or not react if needs be. Maybe the one night/week is a directive to her, and not from her. Still, you'd think it reasonable to do it on a different night, when you can start earlier.
I need to bring a bottle of whiskey to deer camp this weekend and can't make my mind up. I don't want to spend more than $30 either. Do I get bourbon (Buffalo Trace) or Canadian whiskey (Pendleton)? Or shall I get a couple bottles of Old Grandpa and tear the shack apart?
So she implemented a rule that has no practical sense, that makes it nearly impossible to fulfill another rule, and instead of listening to her employee's concerns she is inflexible, no doubt to prove her arbitrary rules work and save face. Mmmkk. Personally, I'd make my own schedule, but you are no doubt accountable for your time. So go over the dipshit's head. Or show up at your probie's work; which is inappropriate and rude. I am so sick of bosses like this. Does this person actually have field time? She sounds like a bureaucrat fool.