I guess he served his purpose in her eyes and now she is moving on to bigger and better fame whoring.
What I think is that I won't be talking about lesbians again. Unless something interesting happens during our weekend. Then I'll tell you everything. Because you both seem to care so much. I know some guys like the fake boobies, but this just looks uncomfortable: Spoiler I can't believe I just searched Courtney Stodden boob pictures.
He's the creepiest fuck alive in both real life and movies. He was Percy in The Green Mile. I want to take a shower every time he's on screen. She looks like a slime creature straight out of an H.P. Lovecraft night terror. What fucking teenaged girl.... Scratch that.. What woman needs cosmetic surgery outside deformity or trauma? I loved her as the beast over the door in Poltergeist. Real future in that career, I can just feel it. Step aside Hollywood and Columbia U.
What's wrong with kids these days? If this would have happened to me at 16/17 I would have kept my damn mouth shut. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/...eacher-arrested-in-sex-with-student-case.html
I've never understood the gigantic boob fetish. I once dated a girl who had overly large breasts and it just didn't do anything for me. Proportional sizing is where its at. For example, I don't find her any hotter because she has an exceptionally large rack.
So apparently people think the song Royals by Lorde is racist. The fuck? The PC people in this country are getting beyond annoying. I guess some people are really desperate to proclaim moral superiority. Anyway, on a more positive note, Katy Perry has the best natural boobs.
Btw let me clarify, I'm not ripping on big breasts, I'm commenting on the overly big, obviously fake tits that are too big for the woman.
Yes, yes you would. The first one is about this guy that travels to space. He was raised in a poverty-stricken neighborhood. He falls for a girl with boobs you can see from space. It's called ghettoastronaut. It stars Will Farrell and Dolly Parton.
This is an incredibly stupid name for a drink, and yet it was delicious. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.barnonedrinks.com/drinks/f/fk-buck-in-the-ass-with-a-banana-7658.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.barnonedrinks.com/drinks/f/f ... -7658.html</a> Also, Katy Perry is delicious.
That is actually Rosie Jones, who, unlike Ms Perry, will get naked for money. NSFW NSFW Also, heart shaped ass.
I'm really curious as to how the secret got out. Were they caught together or something? Was the dude so proud that he was banging a 34 year-old hottie that he had to brag to his buddies?
Are you sure? The site claimed it was her. The face looks a lot like Katy Perry. Oh well, both are incredibly hot. Edit: Never mind, apparently that pic has been floating around falsely all over. Here, real Katy Perry boobness.
The only part of the Royals song that annoys me is that she is saying she could never be royal because it isn't in her blood, but if she is a ruler to call her Queen Bee. A queen is a royal. If you want to be a ruler that isn't a royal, you need to be called Imperial Most On High Big Shit or something.
I'm glad she came forward. It's like finding twins that don't mind lezzing out. Bingo. Guys don't keep their mouths shut. They brag about finding a better way to jerk off with warm, raw beef and a length of saran wrap.