That's a funny coincidence, that's the only part of the song that doesn't annoy me. And because I listen to "alternative" radio stations, that song annoyed me way before the rest of you thought it was cool.
I'm with you with the too-big fake tits, but where do you stand on overly big natural tits? Exhibit A: Spoiler
Well, the only part that I actually find cool is the "I'll rule" echo with the background singers. That's the only thing that overcomes the ruler/royal semantics and makes me not change the channel when it is on. Although, to be fair, the only time I overcome my ennui enough to change the channel is when Adam Levine starts singing.
Remember Deborah Lefave? All these hot female teachers banging their students. Although to their credit, they're usually only fucking the same kid. ...and where were these teachers when I was in high school? Fuck being prom king, that kid sealed his street cred as Lord Of The Universe.
I did find it lame that people kept calling the song insightful. As if acting like you're too good for consumerism was something new. I was mainly just astounded that people thought it was racist. Makes zero sense. But on the note of music, this, however, is one of my favorite new songs. I can't listen to this without it putting me in a good mood.
They were an effective antagonist that fit right into the time period in which the movies were set. You might be surprised to find out that, given the chance, most of us wouldn't hi-five Herman Goering and congratulate him on his fine work.
Yea, not my thing, nothing wrong with it, not going to rip on guys who that is their thing, its just not mine. This is more my preferred body type. If anyone wants to know thats Maria Kirilenko, she is a 10 by any measure.
Seriously it's just fun to watch Nazis get fucked up. Look at the extreme ways Speils kills them: face meltings, run over by tanks, mashed by propellers, that awesome stick-to-the-motorbike spokes. Who doesn't love seeing them killed and killed hard? Still, nothing tips shooting the swordsman. Coolest shit ever.
I tried shoehorning your lyrics into that song and singing along but unfortunately it doesn't work from a rhythm perspective.
Ballsack would respond but all that anti-nazi propaganda inspired him to write a sequel entitled "Indiana Jew and the Sidewalk Smiley".
Replace "bee" with "consort" and you're good to go. Sure, there's an extra syllable, but you've got enough note hang in there to make it work. My sister just informed me that my nephew has started publicly acknowledging his involuntary boners. This should make for a fun time at the wedding.
The fact that he's acknowledging them will make teaching the "tuck it up" technique less awkward. Or you could always just do what my mom did when my involuntary boners would show up:
Just don't do what Coke Bottle Casualty's mom did to handle my involuntary boners. NSFW That would be weird.
So apparently I have an extra hour to drink tonight, this will benefit me as I agreed to go to church tomorrow. Can't wait to be hungover and hating life tomorrow morning. Why'd I agree to go, because I'm fucking stupid.
I'm curious, were you a fake mailman, architect, garbage man? Did you make up coworkers and gradually develop their characters as this charade progressed? Do you realize that you don't actually have any real friends as you've been deceiving them about such a big part of your life such a long time? Also, when you're with them, do you pretend to have an actual personality? It's just that you clearly don't bother to do that when you post here.