And the dumbing of the world continues:
I think it's pandering, more than anything. As long as the news/entertainment world keeps listening and pandering to the masses, the bar will constantly be lowered, not raised.
"Over the past 100 years, Americans' mean IQ has been on a slow but steady climb. Between 1900 and 2012, it rose nearly 30 points, which means that the average person of 2012 had a higher IQ than 95 percent of the population had in 1900. Political scientist James Flynn, PhD, of the University of Otago in New Zealand, first discovered those astonishing IQ gains nearly 30 years ago. Since then, the steady rise in IQ scores in the United States and throughout the developed world has been dubbed the 'Flynn effect.'"
You guys realize that the OED word of the year is just a silly PR stunt and doesn't really reflect anything, right? It's basically always been like this ever since they first started publicizing it, and is essentially a joke in the most literally sense. In 1998, they added "D'oh!" because of The Simpsons.
Is there a German word for that moment when you lean down to eat an oreo that has just been dipped in a glass of milk, but you accidentally drop it back into the glass and it splashes everywhere, so you give yourself a milk facial?
So, kind of a serious question here. I'm donating blood tomorrow to be held for my kid's surgery in December. I've never given blood before. I've tried but been turned away for tattoos, travel and the occasional one night stand. So I don't know what I'm getting myself into. Anyone here give blood on the regular? What should I expect? I'm not freaked out by needles so I don't anticipate problems in that area but what about afterwards? Basically, what should I do to avoid passing out like a bitch?
Its no big deal at all. If needles or the sight of your own blood (filling a container) doesn't bother you than than you're gold. I always donated in high school because that means we'd do two shots of Everclear ("Filtered Death") in the parking lot afterwards and be shitfaced for the day.
Make sure you're super hydrated. Dehydration can = low blood pressure. Low BP - unit of blood = lower BP. Which can lead to passing out like a bitch.
Be sure to tell them you want to give some of your Tiger Blood, from your time whoring around with Charlie.
If something goes wrong and they can't get your arm to stop bleeding, just remember: all bleeding stops. Eventually.
I give every two months or so because I have a rare type (AB+) and the Red Cross never leaves me alone. Just drink some water ahead of time, squeeze that rubber ball a bit, and it will go quick. After you give most places have you sit and drink juice and eat cookies or something until you feel fine enough to leave (a few minutes). Some people have a low tolerance and pass out. Just let the volunteers or workers know how you're feeling when you sit up. They'll help you out.
I'm not sure, but from what I know of the German language, the word will be as long as, and a literal translation of, that phrase.
Eat a good meal after. And make sure you have eaten well before. Iron rich foods are good. If you don't have a normally low blood count, you should be ok. Like everyone else said, stay hydrated. Then eat your cookies and go home and pass out.
Be drunk. Like knocking shit over and peeing yourself drunk. It'll kill all the impurities in your system.