No, because artistic skill determines which tattoo artists are successful; if you're an artist who fucks up a lot, you aren't going to get many customers. But a good tattoo artist might barter goods and services, just because the money is so easy. Pussy doesn't pay the bills, but if you're already making a lot of money for easy work, you can overlook the money for a single job, if the girl is willing to do what you want. I've known a lot of tattoo artists and patrons over the years, and I know that this is true. I've known of artists getting paid in drugs, sex, auto repair, home repair, etc. Tattoo artists don't have much overhead, compared to other trades: You need a gun, ink, a steady hand, and a place to work. I'm kind of jealous of them, truth be told. Happyfunball, we're just bustin' your balls (ovaries?) a little bit, I'm sure that your daughter didn't give head for her tattoos... But I know women who have, and I know men who have accepted sexual favors to do tattoo work.
You forgot one thing...they need talent too. I have a friend who whenever she wants/needs a new TV/Major appliance/Vacation, she paints a picture. A stretched canvas, a couple bucks worth of oils and Voila! New TV/Major appliance/Vacation! I'm jealous as hell of this ability. My parents wouldn't even hang my art on the refrigerator.
What makes you want to take her in for blood work HFB? Do you know where she got her ink done or are you just worried because of the stereotype tattoo guy you hear about on tv? Of the tattoo shops I've seen, they're more sanitary than almost every single place I've had blood work done outside of perhaps a hospital. The place where I got my ink got "in trouble" for not having lids on their trash cans, which is funny because I never remember a single lab that had lids on theirs, or even used lids (though they were available) for their sharps and biohazard containers. I'd be much more worried about the place you get your blood drawn not wiping down their little padded arm rest after each use, as opposed to a tat shop that covers anything they do ink on with new plastic wrap for each customer.
Tattoo parlour are as usually as sanitary as places that must be: dentists, clean rooms, etc. I've only been in a "black market" parlour once but the artist still kept everything wiped, tiny and contained. You have to. You look at some of those photos of Russian criminals getting forced tattoos in jail in unsanitary conditions and they have their jaws falling off their skulls from being so sick and diseased. Cleanliness has never been so next to Godliness except maybe in a hospital burn ward.
I was NOT a client, no freaking way. Certain things call for professionals, this is one of them. See also: surgeons, chiropractors, OBGYN and electricians. And more.
Everyone is focusing on the sexual favors and passing right by the obvious. Does her tattoo say "Bigger on the inside"?
OMG, no, it has nothing to do with tattoo. She's having health issues. I want her to get her iron checked as I became anemic when I went to school from not eating properly. That's all. Hi-lar-i-ous. It's a bunch of circles, looking like earths? She doesn't know I know. She came home from school last night and we were talking and she was saying how she was reading up on ways to not be nervous getting blood drawn. I was all "well, you'll never be able to get a tattoo then with a needle poking you over and over and over." She agreed. I'm on to you girl. I'm going to get some mileage out of this before I tell her I know.
It's one thing to know what it is, it's a whole other level to get that permanently inked onto your body. So yeah, she IS the nerd.