Re: Re: 11/22 Drunk Thread Parker's dick for a jello and shrimp salad. WHO SAYS NO? According to my buddy, House, I'm the Dork Elvis of the cock-dessert trade machine. parker's dick has serious ewing theory potential
5'8", 155lbs a month ago. Haven't really had access to a scale this past month but everything fits the same. Rub dem toes, don't put your mouth near them. I am putty after a proper foot rub. I would probably bang the Filipino lady rubbing my feet and painting my toes if she asked. Weight is sadly such a sensitive thing, especially for women, and it can vary wildly between two people who wear the same size. I have a wide frame, bigger bones (based on wrist and ankle measurements), and good muscle tone. I will never appear thin. I hate that thin and sometimes frail is equated with femininity. I like lifting weights and being strong. There was a funny picture of the dogs laying symmetrically around me in the kitchen while I made dinner at my father in law's house. If he sends it I will post it. While like most females Id be happy a few lbs smaller, 155 is healthy and looks just fine. Also my donk looks pretty awesome in that pic but that is only part of the point (OK maybe 50/50).
5'11" 190 lbs (9% BF according to a DEXA scan a couple of weeks ago) I'm right handed, but I play(ed since I don't play anymore) golf, hit baseballs, box, masturbate and shoot pool as a southpaw. Although pool is more of a strong hand and weak hand thing than left versus right. Never had my toes sucked. I'd try it but I don't think I'd like it. I'd suck on some toes if asked but I doubt I'd like that much either, but it depends whose feet we're talking about. Weight and height mean nothing without a BF%, anyone who talks about BMI without saying it's completely useless is probably retarded. The only time BMI is an accurate indicator of health risks is when you're talking about obese people. I'm pretty sure we've already had a thread about fatties before. Edit: I'm retarded and can't type
5'3" 143 lbs (I just had a baby 2 months ago, I was around 130 before I got pregnant.) Fun fact: I was on the Quiz Bowl team in high school. I'm a sucker for trivia. I can't say that I've ever had my toes sucked but the idea freaks me out so I don't think I'd enjoy it.
Can we move this discussion to a different thread so the Drunk thread can be a bit more...drunk thread like?
I think it's okay to leave it here. Sure, everyone's sober now, but eventually, someone will say "well, I'm 6-2 130" <cough SheGirl cough> and somebody else will say "bullshit. prove it." and then somebody will update the boobie thread and then everyone will be drunk and naked and full of tryptophan and then this will be the right place afterall.
I don't know about the rest of you hosers, but I'm halfway loaded off a Hoppin' Frog double pumpkin. Translation: I just sucked down the equivalent of 4 beers while watching That's My Boy. I hate myself. We need a bar roulette game here. Certain number of posts decides what the doofus before you drinks. Something, throw out ideas. Then, once everyone is plastered, we send each other naked photos and ride a lawn mower to the closest bar. OK, GO.
I almost had to stay at work 2.5 hours later than I wanted to, now I won't. To advertise my good friend Adam Carolla's Mangria, they finally got it in our Binny's. Tried the White Peach Mangria, and that shit is tasty too. 1.5 glasses and I'm good to fucking go.
I got a 12-pack sampler from New Glarus Brewing while I was in Wisconsin this past weekend and there's a pretty good Black IPA in it. Spotted Cow is still the most over-rated beer on the face of Earth, on par with saying Miley Cyrus is the greatest artist alive. Last night I realized Sam Adams should have their winter sampler out soon, which made me ridiculously happy because I love most of their seasonal brews. I am really looking forward to drinking my dad's booze starting tomorrow night. Red wine, local beers, and scotch. Hallelujah!
No bueno. Any of those baltic beers taste funky to me. Gamy, wheat germ flavors, sour. One of my favorite breweries right now is Southern Tier. Just cracked open their Holiday 2X IPA brewed with Christmas cheer and figs. It is fucking disgusting. One of the worst things I have ever had. Do not buy it. Now. Who wants to see my balls?
Re: Re: 11/22 Drunk Thread I can take it or leave it, its a bit sour, if I catch it on sale I usually grab a 6 pack. Bells Two Hearted is my favorite beer of all time, if I made decent money I'd have a keg of that stuff on tap in my kitchen.