That's right. It's outdated to talk about the city that vomits on four year old girls at baseball games that way. ...and the Phillies have the "nice" fans in that town, although less loyal than other Philly fans.
This is the same guy that neg repped me for talking shit about Jersey; Atlantic City in particular: So if Jersey is amazing outside of its most famous city, so if Philly (Philistines?) is only rude after an assassination of a political figure... then where exactly are the shitty places, sir? What about Mogadishu? Does Mogadishu suck or is there some extenuating circumstance that renders unfavorable opinions null?
Indeed, not only is is sacrilegious but it'd be like I was holding a mice-sized Klan rally or something. Then again the Klan is an American thing so I'd probably be okay on that front over here.
If you burn little mini crosses in whatever country you're in, I don't think the symbolism will be lost on the locals.
They cheered Michael Irvin's spinal injury in 1999; recent enough? ("Unspeakable, even for us" is a great headline.)
Aaaannndd Dad just had a heart attack. Hes ok but is going to need an angioplasty. I try to avoid self pity, but seriously fuck 2013. Fuck it fuck it fuck it!!
Okay, so I have a new Netflix account and wondered if the afore-mentioned movie was available since I've never actually seen it. I had to laugh at this: Can't find a horrible movie about a woman with teeth in her vagina? Other people liked these two movies about grotesque human surgery and shit eating!
I was at work the other day and a co-worker walked up to me and inquired about my jacket, which has a small patch on the breast: Her: What does that say on your jacket? Me: NRA Her (Very friendly): Oh! The rap group? Me: No. The gun group. Her: Me: The National Rifle Association. Her: Oh. *Walks away* She was more disturbed by the words "National Rifle Association" then "Niggaz Wit Attitudes." I am clearly out of my element in this town.
What the fuck is a War Eagle? Why does Auburn say this when their mascot is a fucking tiger? What the hell is a Crimson Tide (besides the obvious allusion to women issues)? Why is Alabama's mascots an elephant? Seriously, Alabama has to the dumbest state in the country outside its neighbor Mississippi.
Crimson=Red Never eat shellfish harvested from a red tide or risk a stomach ache. Therefore, Alabama: "We'll fuck up your digestive system. Like an elephant." But what the fuck do I know? I'm from Mississippi
I have no legitimate response to any of this. I just want to post to get that teeth picture behind us. It is affecting me way more than it should. I gag very time I click on this page.