I need a serious drink right now. Damnit! I just want my car to work. And to not be moving into a house near that dude. I don't think he has stalker tendencies but he is fucking deluded and has been fantasizing about me for several years now. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk. Commence the home search on zillow....now! Also, waitressing sucks. Well, I mean this week has been shitty. Today wasn't too bad but I am ready for a job where I don't have to wear sneakers or worry about getting tipped $.75 from a group of bratty college kids.
Good on her for being able to bounce back so quickly, but I can understand the backlash. Women already get more than enough pressure to return to pre-pregnancy shape/weight as soon as possible; some of the hate she's getting is from people who know that her pic will just be more ammo for the get-back-in-shape-asap brigade. I also don't know where this whole notion that women use pregnancy as an excuse to pig out comes from, but frankly no guy should ever make proclimations or judgments about how a pregnant woman should manage her health.
I'm not just a guy making statements about dietary needs of pregnant women. I am a fully licensed and registered sonographer in obstetrics and gynecology, as well abdominal and training in vascular. I know more about pregnancy than I actually care to remember. And the fact is in the first trimester you only need an additional 300 calories per day. By the end of the 3rd trimester that number is up to 500. If proper care and self control is exercised, a steady and normal weight gain is expected (obviously) but no where near what actually ends up happening in a lot of cases. This is just a general statement and not accounting for various metabolic situations and other high risk events.
What's going on in this thread, guys?! People are hating on that Norwegian freak, but nobody was celebrating Ms. Chicken of The Sea. Infact, everyone got on her shit for being overweight while pregnant. It is almost as if women just enjoyed hating on other women.
"Hold on y'all, I'm eating for two now!" Then using pregnancy as a reason to stop or never exercise. That's where it comes from. As for the pressure - ehhh. I dunno about that. I think we are pretty sympathetic to the mom's who've got kids and the baby weight. Even when their baby is 8 years old. Yeah. Jessica Simpson was large and in charge while she was pregnant. I think she maybe had pre-eclampsia?
You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of this shit making the news. I don't give a goddamn if a woman ballooned into a whale while pregnant, or if she shit out a kid and climbed a goddamn mountain the next day. I don't care. And I don't care if people lose their shit over the whale or the mountain climber, and I don't care if even more people lose their shit because they thought it was outrageous that people lost their shit over a woman's post-pregnant body. OVER IT!!!!! And yes I may be slightly pissed that my husband posted about it on facebook, praising this woman for all her hard work, not realizing that his wife who is AT LEAST 40 lbs heavier than this woman may not appreciate all the praise he is lavishing on this woman he DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW. AND THAT HE DID THE SAME THING WITH THE OTHER STUPID BITCH WHO WAS ALL, "LOL, WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?" OR WHATEVER IDIOTIC CRAP FLOWED OUT OF HER MOUTH THAT MADE PEOPLES' HEADS EXPLODE. Okay, I'm done now.
I should note that I am well aware that I am being irrational and that I know my husband loves me just the way I am. If he didn't he wouldn't have made a point of stopping in a bagel shop on his trip to NYC and getting me some bagels and cream cheese. (and that it was all his idea because he knows I like the occasional bagel at the NY deli near my office)
He isn't home yet, so I don't know. If it is light, I'll throw the whole bag at him and scream that he thinks I'm fat and hates me. If it isn't light, I'll throw the whole bag at him and scream that he wants me to be fat so I'll hate myself. Either way, I'll storm out of the house in a flood of tears and then return a minute later and snatch up the bag and then storm back out of the house.
Right on, sister-friend. Don't forget to tell your friends and parents about the "fucking monster" you live with. Oh, set fire to the bed with his clothes piled on it and try and stab one of his female co-workers in the employee parking lot.
Without going crazyasiancrazy again- Norwegian babe- Good on her. Good on Jessica Simpson too. They fucking made a baby. That shit is tough and scary and I've never done it and the idea terrifies me. As long as they did the best they could to provide a healthy start for their kid, who gives a fuck. Side question- I have heard that if you have pretty solid abs during pregnancy, as the kid/baby/fetus/whateveryouwannacallit grows, your abs start to tear from the inside out and is incredibly painful and causes scar tissue. Does anyone have experience with this? I would google it, but I'm in the library at school where everyone can see everyone else's screen and I just know googling "the fuck happens to abs during pregnancy" is probably going to fill the screen with porn. CREAMCHEESETOPIC- I am of the opinion that bagel joints and delis put too much cream cheese on bagels. Apparently no one else thinks this way. Someone even suggested to me that I scoop out all the insides of the bagel, as to create room for MORE cream cheese. Am I really so off on the bagel/spread ratio?
All the reasons that I admire Jay-Z are pretty much the same reasons why I do NOT admire Kanye. Sigh. I wish they weren't friends.
What are these reasons? I actually can't figure it out. Is it because Jay-Z isn't a businessman: he's a business, maaaaan? And Kanye's not an artist, he's what art is? que Paul George