We already tried the whole test to vote thingy, the Supreme Court was none to happy. The current administration and court? Well, that's a discussion for the elephants and jackasses thread.
Rolling Stone's badass Elon Musk interview Funny enough, it's written by Neil Strauss. Yes, that Neil Strauss, who single handedly turned "pick up artist" into a thing people call themselves.
Oh yes, I consider him a hack. That’s him in the pleather snakeskin, his monstrously insecure mentor Mystery in S&M platforms and sunglass tan. Check out the squad goals:
Have you read The Game? It's actually a pretty interesting read and not at all flattering of the PUA community. The creepy part of the book isn't the pick up stuff per se, it's the depth those weirdos go to over analyze and try to establish power dynamics in every situation, no matter how basic the interaction. It's not so much Machiavellian as it is good old fashioned crazy. I'm surprised Strauss still has a stable job in the media. The backlash towards the book really misinterpreted it at the time, and I can only imagine that would be even more true had it been released more recently.
The book was interesting, but it gave me the heebie jeebies when I realized those clowns were serious with all their bullshit. It was like a bunch of retards trying to figure out a coconut.
That was the part about all the outrage reviews that threw me for a loop. Most of the guys in the book are hardly getting laid at all, and the reviewers were calling him a liar for acting like the PUA stuff worked, when for the most part it didn't. It only helped him because his main problem was that he was terrified of talking to women. The book wasn't at all what I expected. In a sense, for all the guys that eventually end up moving in together in the mansion it's not even about sex. It's a bunch of a dysfunctional broken inside nut jobs desperate to belong to something. Parts of that book was like reading about Heaven's Gate or one of those other bizarre cults that only attracts kids gnawing on crayons in the corner.
PUA message boards are laugh-a-minute. The slang alone is enough to make you laugh yourself sick. It’s hard to tell if they’re trolls or not because some of their “philosophy” would make Tony Robbins roll his eyes.
Tynan, "Herbal" from The Game, dude who stole Mystery's girlfriend, now has a really cool blog that is basically the polar opposite of the PUA shit. I subscribe to him on Feedly, and it's insanely interesting, especially if you're into traveling and DIY stuff.
The best is when they go co-op mode, relaying orders to each other like mall cops trying to stop a terrorist attack. It's been a while since I read the book so I don't remember all the slang, but "phase shift and disarm the AMOG" still cracks me up.
The thing I always found stupid was that the guys who read and take this shit seriously are doing it purely to get some kind of sexual interaction. When the whole problem is that their entire motivation for even interacting with a woman is purely manipulative in an attempt to get laid. And chicks can smell that shit on a person. Sexual desperation is the easiest thing to spot. So no matter how many tactics and methods they try to use, it all just comes off as rapey and fake. I’ve had tons more success with women just being normal and not acting like a rapist.
I don't know if there's anything inherently wrong with hitting on a woman for the purpose of getting laid, but it didn't seem to occur to them that you would talk to other humans for any other purpose and at that point, yeah it gets weird. The most staggering part is how they thought every woman was exactly the same. Like, it didn't occur to them at all that different women would react differently. They were also completely unable to speak to women at all without following their playbook, which ran out after a few hours. I agree that sexual desperation is almost always transparent and trying to fake not being desperate when that's the only reason you're talking to someone is pretty much impossible. Moreover, they're constantly trying to control the situation and push every interaction into this or that direction because they're afraid of going off script. You can't have a normal conversation like that. Aside from that, I just don't think people are wired to approach the opposite sex the way the PUA guys do. If you're constantly trying to strategize every little thing, and obsess only about having sex at that level you're going to fuck yourself up emotionally. Someone could write a case study on dysfunctional sexual disorders based on that book. It's hard to describe how bonkers some of the characters are to someone who hasn't read it, eg Tyler Durden.
If you actually talk to them, so-called PUA’s are, the majority of the time, wounded ex-dorks. Guys who didn’t have a lot of friends or popularity in their early years so their lack of interaction with girls while watching the popular, cocky guys score with them creates a bitterness. So there’d Two routes: you can become a male feminist: you know, be “different”. Pretend to “care more than those other assholes”. Be a strong shoulder to cry on until one of your Just Friends lets the guard down. Or, you can become a PUA. Have your vengeance by “using” women and keeping score with your imaginary statistic scoring system, points which you can cash in later to buy prizes from our Lovely Showcase. Care only for sex: no connection, no companionship, and die bitter and alone while high-giving yourself for what a King of Spring Break you were.
They're essentially the friend-zoned class lashing out because they think they deserve to sleep with women as if they've earned it. Its closely related to the Incels community, which was banned on Reddit this week. For the uninformed, it stands for "involuntarily celibate" and its the saddest, angriest group of women haters this side of RedPill.
Who would proudly be a member of such a community? That is reeeeeeeeeally pathetic. I bet at least half of them were in an acapella group at some point in college.