If you are going to mall ninja, your ensemble is incomplete unless you have one of these for your picatinny rail.
No, but I have seen him driving around town in his Wrangler wearing similar duds. He even hooked up a P.A to a mic, booming orders at random pedestrians, calling them “perps” and telling them to “please clear their unlawful assembly”.
Thanks for the xmas idea! I will now be getting these for several family members. I would have purchased the ones in your picture if they were on amazon (and not $40 dollars) for my gun, would make a funny foregrip.
Okay, but are you tact? I mean you could also be a bitch, but I hope you’re tact instead. Stay frosty, Hicks. ...Where’s the clock radio?
Yeah if you want laughs just google the crap people do to ARs. It's patently insane. At one point I did have three different lights on mine. Bottom in front of the fore grip was a surefire spotlight, that was my main one, just took a flick of the thumb to either pulse it or keep it on and it'd turn night into day for as far as I could shoot. On the right was my black light mounted with a thumbscrew so I could take it off for tracking blood, or just keep it on the rifle if I wanted the bang tube right beside it just in case. On the left was a light that switched between green and red, red to preserve your night vision or green if which is even less visible to animals. Now I just use an argonomic grip under a floated barrel, with the surefire on the side. Anyone who says you don't need a 30 round magazine hasn't had a sounder of hogs running through their property. You get one set shot, then at that point you're pulling the trigger as fast as you can put your crosshairs over meat. Where was that "obscure knowledge thread"? I could probably add some things to it about hog hunting and building different vermin traps.
And then there's this. The baddest motherfucking gun ever made. And just because I feel like I have to balance out all these mall ninja gun photos.