I am allergic to alcohol, so I made up for it by smoke a lot of weed. There are lots of memories, but one that stands out the most. This happened while still in high school. When we curled on Wednesday nights, we would either get high after a early game, or high before a late game. So one early game we went out after and got completely fucked up, having a great time. Well I get home around 9-9:30 I walk in the door and for some fucking reason I blurted out "sorry for not calling I didn't want to wake you up" looked at the clock saw the time and went OH FUCK in my head then said "I am tired going to have a shower then head to bed". They had to have known how fucked up I was or atleast something, to this day they never said a word.
Today Las Vegas started running a driverless shuttle bus. This happened: "The autonomous bus crashed less than two hours after it was launched. Officials had hosted an unveiling ceremony to promote what they described as the nation's first self-driving shuttle pilot project geared toward the public."
You didn't post the most important part of the story. The bus didn't cause the accident, rather a truck driver backed up into the bus. Stupid humans at fault again. I can't wait for driver-less cars to become the norm.
Leave it to the MSM to mislead and clickbait. The bus detected a problem, stipped, and the human driver continued to back into the bus.
And that was when Skynet became self-aware. Everything is Skynet now. Won’t be long before it’s t-boning propane trucks with school buses at double-green lights.
Remember the school in Ireland with the ghost? There's another video: The new video opens with a loud slamming noise and then shows two stacked chairs eerily separating (Upper left corner), with one being lifted into the air, before being dropped back down on the floor. Then, a duffel bag flies off from where it's resting on top of the lockers and almost immediately after, a poster secured to the wall is ripped off and thrown on the floor. Finally, the video ends with a plastic chair creepily sliding across the floor EDIT: Just before the duffel bag flies across the room you can see a dark human shape behind it that then ducks down. I call shenanigans.
Oh, good thing you called shenanigans, because for a minute there everybody was totally believing that the work of actual ghosts were caught on camera.
In proper WDT spirit... I said SPIRIT... (see what I did there?) One of the teams at my new job just won the Best Startup Project award for their work in home brewing on Hackster https://www.hackster.io/iot-design-...yone-d7660a?ref=challenge&ref_id=103&offset=1
After I went out a few weekends ago and overindulged (again), as well as drinking several nights during the week regularly, I decided it was time for a break. I may not make it the entire month but that's the goal. I've only told one friend about it because most of my friends would take it as a challenge to get me to drink.
Yeah, because we’d never do that. Opening bottle number 2of red wine. Sure is tasty. Yep... reaaaaaly tasty.
Sober October? Slimmer November? I’m not sure if it’s the act of drinking that kills boredom, or the decisions that drinking provokes that kills boredom.