Friends are sometimes a curse. As someone that used to drink an 18 pack as a warm up to actually drinking, sometimes taking a break is good. Now I can drink 8 and get happily shit faced. It's much, much cheaper.
I'll second that. I used to get shit faced pretty regularly. Now I'm perfectly happy to have just a few, usually 3-4 pints. I stay functional and don't hate myself in the morning. ( Neither does my wife.)
I used to always not drink during tax season, mostly as I just do not function well the day after having a few. I do think it is good to take a break on occasion, if nothing else it will prove to yourself that you give it up if need be. It could be fun abneretta, to go out with your friends and while they are getting plastered, you are drinking ice tea and getting them to post on the boobie thread. We all win.
Am I the o lot one that takes drinking breaks on accident? Between having a child, work and family stuff I’ve gone a month not on purpose, just because I didn’t have the time or energy to drink.
My willpower is weak. I go through periods of weekday drinks, one or two a night, for a while. Sometimes it's a habit that's hard to break. Ive not gone without heavily drinking on the weekends for the better part of a few years. My social life still revolves around it. It does get old being hung the fuck over and useless for a solid day and a half.
So I was trying to look up life force on Netflix and Hellraiser came up. I’ve never seen it(shocking, I know). Yay or nay for drunken movie watching tonight?
What's your gore tolerance? I would say mine is decent, but there are still a few parts that make me squeamish. Great movie, either way. And you get to see Andrew Robinson (pre Garak in Star Trek DS9).
One of my all-time faves. The opening chords of that music will grab you, I guarantee. The movie is probably not going to be what you think, plot-wise. It was low budget when Barker made it so there will be some cheesy looks and some of the acting is a bit rubber-stamped, but it’s a LOT of fun if you like horror. Really, really ugly fun: We’re talking bodies being ripped apart and maggots here, friend. But it has amazing set pieces and a truly beautiful and tough female lead. And some decent, quotable lines along the way too.
Went to the metal shop to pick up the stuff I needed for the frame of the desk I'm building, and saw something hilarious. Of course today is the day that I forget my phone on the front hall table... There was a guy who came into the supply shop (an hour or so before me) to pick up 6 sheets of thin gauge metal that were 14' long and about 4' wide that they had special ordered, to skin the side of a trailer, apparently. He showed up in his car, and wanted the sheets just strapped to the roof racks. The metal shop worker just looked at him with a "are you really that retarded?" look and refused to let him take it out of the shop that way (as relayed to me by the sales guy who was laughing his ass off at the whole process). I came in just as his wife was showing up with a truck to pick them up. A short bed, small sized truck. It was lucky if it had 4' of a bed, but it did have the required width. They loaded the metal up and had somewhere around 10' hanging out the back, and they strapped it down as best they could. As soon as they hit the first speed bump in the parking lot, a few of the sheets bent over the tailgate and creased like a motherfucker. At that point I was just loading up my square tubing and laughing with the sales guy, while the couple were starting to argue about wanting replacement sheets or a refund, and they were waiting for the manager. I really wish I could have stuck around and watched, but I have shit to do this afternoon. Fucking people...
The absolute least I would expect someone to try is to have some 14' 2x4s hanging out the ass end of their truck as a support, and even that I would expect to show up on r/thereifixedit
First thing I suggested to the sales guy was to sell them a couple of long 2x2 tubing to support it...
Sooooooooo..... first time transporting metal ever? First time transporting ANYTHING ever? Sometimes you see people driving with things and you almost want to run them off the road. Not because you don’t like them, but in order to prevent them from killing someone else. ....Like when they horizontally strap 4x8 plywood to the bare roof of their car and, once on the road, realize that they forgot that air pressure exists. Now you have gigantic pine ninja stars being thrown about like they’re nothing.
On that note, I’m now the neighbour with a truck, and am scheduled to “help” pick up 3 live trees. Fun times.
I once bought a tree and asked if I could borrow the garden center's pallet to roll it home (I lived about five blocks away and walked over). They declined. I ended up carrying a Christmas tree home on foot. An incredibly awkward shape to carry.
During an undergrad public speaking class, I drew the short straw and had to do a persuasive speech on recycling, a virtually unheard of concept at the time. I lived about three miles from campus so I rode my bike there, because parking was a bitch. It was only after I had collected a month's worth of newspapers (an unheard of concept now), that I realized that carrying a massive duffel bag on my bike was impossible. So I had to walk it. In Texas summer heat. While dressed in slacks, a button down, boots and tie. With a duffel bag weighing about 40 lbs. A cop stopped me about a mile into the trek and laughed mockingly "what are you carrying in there, a body?" When I asked for a ride he said he had other things to do and drove off while laughing at me. Kaep, I hear ya man.
w00t w00t! Spoiler I just picked up two cards of Hammer at incredible prices. I got the '63 for $82 which is $40 less then the next lowest sold price on e-bay. The '64 I paid $66 for which puts it kind of middle of the road vs previous sales, but since I got the '63 at such a deal, I don't mind. The amazing thing about Bad Henry's earlier cards is the stat lines. He was playing on another level then everyone else, and he wasn't just a HR hitter. On back of the '63 card his lifetime batting average was .320 after 9 seasons.