I would like to point out that this was well worth the wait. Sure Audrey and I may be the only ones that think so but that does not take away from the awesomeness that was, a Snoop v Martha fried chicken cook off featuring special guests (and judges) Seth Rogan, Ice Cube and Wiz Khalifa. PS I don't think I've had my TV on VH1 in the almost year and a half I've lived in my house. It took a good scroll to find it. No worries though because, did you guys know they make this shit called DVR(ing)? Derp.
I posted briefly about this in the election thread, but gas in Canada vs. US. HOLY SHITBALLS. My mom just went over the river (euphemism we use around here to mean, "going to the States into Port Huron") this morning and gas there is $2.14 a gallon. A GALLON. Convert that shit to Canadian dollars and litres, and do you know what it works out to? $0.77/L. What is gas in Sarnia right now, you ask? Why, it's $1.08/L! Jesus Christ. Yes, I will be going over tonight after work. Even with the toll on the bridge it saves me about $30 per tank. That's my rant for the day. Americans may be on the precipice of a political disaster, but you can take comfort in knowing that your gas is dirt fucking cheap.
Looks like 2.79/gallon across the street from my office. That might be premium though, I can't see the top of the sign.
I paid $2.55 for regular today. But then again, the only places with higher gas in the US are CA and HI.
It's only $0.88 average in Manitoba & Alberta, according to the interwebs. Sounds like a you problem, dawg. Since the US gets most of its imported oil from Canada, I can only assume it's the refining and getting it back that make your prices higher. Alaska is in the top 5 producers, but also in the top 5 cost by state. Louisiana is cheap, as is Oklahoma, because they have a bunch of refineries. It's usually a good 15-20 cents / gallon cheaper in neighboring South Carolina than Georgia, because of the state part of the tax. Also, PSA: if you travel and if gas prices matter to you, make sure you get the GasBuddy app. Every now and then I mention this to people and they have no clue what I'm talking about.
Take comfort....they are low now but summer 2015 I remember paying over $4/gal. And I was driving a lot. Worst summer ever.
I'm at $2.18/gal, living in North Carolina. This is so much more interesting than naked chicks and drinking...
Beyond some transportation costs depending on the location and maybe the current US/CDN exchange rate, that's exactly the difference. We pay a ton of tax on our fuel. I'm currently at about $0.89/L in Calgary.