A hot election junkie MILF, wrapped in a shawl and nothing else, drinking wine, knitting and watching results. Works for me, going to use that image later.
I also feel like it says a lot about my character that I ran out of wine but I still have plenty of brandy, gin, and orange liqueur.
My husband went upstairs and is watching Criminal Minds. I think that might be less horrifying. He might be onto something.
For anybody wondering, who might also be stress eating and drinking tonight while watching certain coverage on the telly, barbecue chips and a cocktail made with 1/4 lemon juice do not go well together. I guess I'll save the chips for the next time I make fried chicken, à la Snoop Dogg.
Maybe you should build a wall. Hell, I hear the southernmost country will pay for it. Facts: -- It's cold in Canada. -- I can knit things out of wool. -- Things made of wool are warm.
First, you said it was for a friend... Second, call me when you can field dress a moose and tan a beaver pelt.
Oh, honey. I haven't been deer hunting in a few years because I'm too lazy to get up early during deer season but I used to be able to field dress a deer. I think I could remember how. As far as tanning a beaver pelt, provided you're not speaking in euphemisms, I can google that one.
You better build a dam good wall to keep us out. We'll be the new Mexicans, hopping the border, taking your jobs and overwhelming your healthcare system. And if we don't care to become legal citizens, fuck it, there's too many of us so what are you going to do?
I really don't understand all the hand wringing. The United States political power system has been shifting and changing hands for over 200 years, and it's still the greatest country there is. Yes, there are flaws. But, the popular vote for president was practically a tie. That means something, which to me is that it will keep shifting, and half the country's voices won't suddenly be silent. Senate and House races will be won and lost, the pendulum will keep swinging back and forth. Whichever party holds the presidency, or even all three with House & Senate, will continue to have to hear from, and often attempt to compromise with, the other party. It's not like Trump takes over tomorrow. The transition period that's built in helps with any sudden system shocks. The world is not going to end. Enjoy the uptick to the economy, and breathing a little bit dirty air for a few years won't kill you. (Well, not quickly, anyway.) In either 4 or 8 years, the DNC will put forth a decent person with star power, and the GOP will be tussling amongst the moderates and conservatives, and it will all start over again. Relax. Plus, I think we can all agree that boobs are awesome.
Unfortunately, here is where you are wrong. There will be no attempts at compromise. Obama tried that. As I'm a R, until recently, I say that with that proviso. When the head of the Senate goes on TV and says that his number 1 job is to make sure that nothing gets done, and says to the American people that his goal is obstruction, we can not expect any compromise. The sad part is Trump will surround himself with neoconservatives, and you may think that's ok, but here's what will happen: He will enact policies - along with Congress - that have been proven wrong. Nothing will change. And hence, as I said in earlier posts, 4 years from now when all the Trump and Bernie supporters are furious that there's been no progressive change, we will see even worse candidates. The conditions for revolt are present. Keep in mind, I'm not a Hillary supporter - though I did vote for her - but shit is going to get weird.
No, I'm not wrong. They will have to hear from the other side. Lots of legislation, change and other positive things have come from the minority voice. Since they are in power, though, the compromise won't need to come from the Republicans, it will need to come from the Democrats. I stand by my comments and don't see any reason for half the country to panic.