Would you rather? Scenario: Full Year, No Masturbation Allowed, Lights On (Thanks Angel). A) Have sex with a five, once a week. B) Have sex with a ten, once a month. Go.
Nope, no more details. To clarify, you're not locked into a room with these chicks. You get to life the rest of your life as normal.
Why chicks? That's sexist to us non-lesbian leaning girls. I'll take sex with a dude at a 5 once a week. I don't really care about looks if I like them. I'm assuming we're allowed to actually like these people?
Customer Service Rep. And she starts A flat major/f minor and sings half the chorus, then drops down to a more comfortable register that's about 3 tones lower to sing the rest of the chorus. It's irritating as hell. She does it with every little song she sings throughout the day. Every line in a different key. Plus, she has no sense of pitch, so she scoops all her intervals (my pet peeve) and JESUS CHRIST DOES SHE EVER SING FLAT.
Ohh I thought you meant Sam Smith is a cock sucking retard because he sings his own song off key. That would have been way more interesting.
Not at all. But if I run into that man on the street, I will hit him in the balls with a poison-spiked mace for bringing that song to light.
Went to bed at 2 with a 10; woke up at 10 with a 2 Is she a five or a ten? And, how did Parker get your CSR to agree to fucking all of us?
Husband had surgery this morning - now I'm nodding off and getting ready to go home. He's up and walking just is a bit nauseous - so I'm letting them deal with that overnight. He came out of the OR asking for a piƱata. So...it's good his priorities are straight?
I'm soooooo glad you didn't hear me singing Backstreet Boys the other night. And I'm so glad I actually listened to it when I got back so I could realize how bad it was. I said to my friends how can there be four of us and not one of us can carry a tune? Law of averages you'd think there'd be at least one. So I'm at Walmart shopping (quiet) while my daughter practices since it's so close. But first I workout and then come here. I'm in yoga shorts. As I'm in the produce aisle a guy in one of those carts you ride yells at me as he's cruising by "Hey! You won't be wearing those next week, will ya?" I just smile and say oh no, wasnt so bad when I left the house. But he's wrong. I'll do it again. And regret it. But I hate changing or anything once I'm done. I'll throw on a sweatshirt and think I'm only going from the car to the store, so I'll be good. But I'll freeze. Rinse. Repeat. I walked by the guy and he was buying 20 of something. I think jars of applesauce or something. I think I keep coming back for the stories.
I specified chicks for him, because wexton is a straight male. It's whoever your desired sex is. See how non-gender focused the original question is?