I care only about one Star Trek alumnus' next chapter... https://www.kickstarter.com/project...-reading-rainbow-back-for-every-child-everywh
Not exactly. There is a pic of her with a wine glass resting on her ass, leaning forward slightly, popping open a champagne bottle that then erupts into a white, foamy liquid that flies over her head into the glass on her ass. People on Facebook are probably doing it wrong.
Was one of my absolute favorites growing up. Today I trimmed my novem-beard with a #2 clipper, and less than halfway through the month too. This is a real milestone for those of us still in puberty. Success!
Back it up In case the photoshop version on the Paper cover wasn't already funny enough, here are some parody versions. I had never heard of Paper magazine before this. Is it just a New York thing?
Leaving for Gainesville, FL for the weekend and other than the football game, I've got nothing planned. Anyone have any suggestions?
No matter who I am a fan of, if I found out they were a killer or rapist I would no longer be their fan. I used to think O.J. was a great running back and funny character actor, now I laugh at the thought of him rotting and withering away.
We were standing around at the bar and I brought up the Bill Cosby is a Rapist thing. Motherfucking asshole at the bar goes "yeah well she probably made it up." SERIOUSLY? You hear a tidbit of something that goes against your predisposed conception of a celebrity who is paid to ACT and your first reaction is "that bitch is after money." I am not an authority on the case so I can't say for sure what is true and what isn't, but it's sad that a girl can be abused by someone bigger, stronger, and with more financial means than herself and no one takes her seriously because that person plays a nice person on set. The fuck?
As great as that show is, it is a one-shot deal for me. Watching the entire series cuts to the core like no show ever made.
It wasn't fully addressed in the article, but I can't imagine how hard it would have been to go to the police in her situation, while it was happening. Think about it. It's going to turn into a huge scandal. It's Bill fucking Cosby, the last person you would suspect at that time. He's got money for the best legal team, probably 'witnesses' that will lie for him. If the verdict doesn't pan out, not only is she a rape victim, she's also fucked for life after the fall out. She's forever that money grubbing attention whore who falsely accused him of rape. Not to mention all the shit she's going to hear from his fans during the trial. It's one thing to accuse Joe Blow of rape, because if you can't prove it you can still go back to your life after a period of time. During the trial the media will also comb over everything in her background to make her look terrible in the name 'objectivity'. Because our media seriously sucks that much.
I have watched this like 8 times. It keeps getting better. That guy's laugh is f'n slaying me. Reposted to FB with the appropriate hashtag. Suddenly crave espresso. The finale, dammit. It's like watching Forrest Gump and The Green Mile at the same time while your grandmother is taken off life support. "Hope you enjoyed these 6 seasons... everyone you know and love IS GOING TO DIE."
I woke up this morning to the sound of my house's heater kicking on. I keep my thermostat set to 48*, which is as low as it will go. FUCK.