There was for the longest time. It was called "Whatever I Can Get" it was an option. One of the original 6. "Single, In a Relationship, Married, Divorced, It's Complicated, Whatever I Can Get"
It's 22º Fahrenheit, or -5.5556º Celsius to our metric-using friends. It snowed a bit last night, and last week the wind dropped it into the upper negatives with chill. Winter is here. With some more snow, this is going to be the scenery.
Unless you're on skates or sailing down a hill, winter works the HPV shaft whilst cradling the filthy balls. It's a great excuse to get to know TV again.
Hunting and ice fishing, and my dog and I having the parks to ourselves so he can run around and play to his hearts content. In my book, snow on the ground is also an automatic excuse to put Irish cream in your coffee so we've got that going for us now too. Also... Spoiler
Did somebody not inform them of the little tidbit that Twitter is the most racist place in the galaxy?
I read that like you're writing a book and going to name it "Snow on the Ground". Which kind of works.
When will people learn not to take to Twitter with questions? Between Eric Decker, Cosby Meme and Dr. Fucking Oz, you'd think they're recognize that they're setting themselves up for failure. That said, the Dr. Oz thing gives me more pleasure than half the toys in my sex box.
Oh, you naive little hipster... it is far from that. Go browse Youtube comments, or any news site comments sometime... they make twitter comments look like kiddie books by comparison.
This is off-topic and heavy but I'm so pissed right now. There's two cases of young aboriginal girls in Ontario with cancer where their parents (read: mothers) have halted chemotherapy treatment in favour of either "natural treatments" or holistic treatments. The one girl, Makayla Sault aged 11, was in chemotherapy until her mother pulled her out of it because she believed she was pumping her daughter full of toxins. Instead, the mother decided to treat the daughter's leukemia with traditional aboriginal medicine. The girl relapsed and is now critically ill, despite the fact that the chemotherapy she was undergoing had a success rate of 85-90% in treating her type of cancer. The second girl, whose name is protected under a publication ban, was also in chemo until her mother withdrew her from treatment and flew her to the US. She is currently being "treated" by some fucking quack "doctor" in Florida, who believes that a raw diet and a positive fucking attitude can cure people of cancer. Children's Aid refused to intervene (and the parents of both children said they wouldn't recognize any decision made by Children's Aid anyway because they "don't just jurisdiction over the aboriginal people of Canada") so McMaster Children's Hospital took Children's Aid to court. A judge just found in favour of Children's Aid, so these parents can continue to put their childrens' health at risk for the sake of traditional (or, in the case of the Floridian "doctor", pure fucking hokum) treatments. The aboriginal community are thrilled with the outcome because they want the right to be able to practice their form of medicine, which I understand... but Jesus Christ, don't play politics on the heads of two girls who could very well die as a result of these decisions. I'm just angry. There's no focus, this isn't a thread topic. I'd have made it a rant, but I've ranted too much lately... I'm just so mad.
Die-hard Washington Redskins fan uses obituary to make ‘final’ football wish “One of his final wishes was that the team members would be his pallbearers so they can let him down one last time.” Well played good sir. Nice to see the man face his mortality with a sense of humor. Your move Skins...don't fumble this one.
Yea, I heard that on CBC radio last week I think, the second girl has a 95% chance of survival if she took chemo.