It's a slow day. I saw one of those cyst videos and the person in it was talking to the doctor about them and asked if he hated them. The doctor was like "Oh no, I love doing these!"
An English lord came in and claimed her as his own for night. Swords were drawn, but in the end it is his noble blessing.
Don't You Hate It When Your Fingers Start Falling Off? It's cool though, because it was starting to smell really bad. Sometimes, people just need to rein it in and think "is this something people really want to know?"
Back in the day, he seemed to have all the tools for the game. Over time, he demonstrated he was just plain good at BEING one. My fondest memory of that ape will be what I titled the Jose Canseco In-The-Park-Fuck-Up. "Jose with the header and......GOOOOOOOOAL!!!!"
It was right after his 40/40 season (The first one ever) and it was really expensive at the time too. I delivered a lot of papers to pay for that.
God, the entire sports-talking-head universe just popped it's biggest boner yet. Nothing like the no.1 FBS team losing to no. % to provide good fodder for the rest of the month.
Once, a lady's toe fell off in my hands. She was like, "Oh, child, I knew that was coming. Just keep doing your thang!" As if it was just an everyday occurrence. Whatever. I hope I'm never in a position where losing a gangrenous toe is no biggie.
Wait, this the same guy that was posting bizarre tweets during the comet landing. Was he on pain killers because of the finger or something? ... t-landing/
He is the Charlie Sheen of baseball. His tweets range from over-the-top psychotic to fluffy unicorn faggotry. I like how he constantly challenges "Bitch Tits" (A-Rod) and the rest of Team Steroid to softball homerun derbies at Skydome or wherever he hit well.
He still gets credit for being so open about PED's in baseball though. Even though it was just for money and to stay in the spotlight, I still remember how many people bashed him and said he was lying. Not quite.