A lack of tit photos from random girls you barely know results in bestiality? Good to know y'all are that close to the edge.
Oh, now that's baaaaaaaad. Hmmm, not such much resulting in, but starting the conversation. Besides, the TiBettes aren't random. Unlike the rest of the girls on the internet, they'll occasionally respond to my private messages and have yet to take out any TROs. Not really, I did a lot of things in college that are embarrassing, and I've made some decisions I regret; but, I've never looked at a sheep and thought, "Yeah, I'd hit that." You guys are weird.
Re: Oh, now that's baaaaaaaad. I love it when those wingnuts jaw off that things like homosexuality leads to beastiality, or that if there weren't regulations against it everyone would be banging animals left and right. I guess they don't realize it is not the LAW that stops us from throwing a shot into our pets. What stops us is the fact that we're sane.
Re: Oh, now that's baaaaaaaad. Or more sane, at least. But if that Collie down the block keeps giving me the eye I may not be responsible for my actions.
Spoiler A collie giving "eye" is actually a reference in herding, when the steely, predatory glare of the collie makes the sheep hearken back to a time when canine carnivores tore them apart frequently, so they run. The collie just doesn't kill them (usually) and keep them moving where he is directed to by his shepherd.
Border collies are ten times the dog a regular Collie is. And Shelties are just Collies washed in hot. And they are a TERRIBLE lay to boot. They just lie there.
And of course, domestic dogs, coyotes and wolves (and everything in-between) are frequent predators of sheep to this day. Sheep are one of the dumbest animals you could possibly own. Very much like cattle or goats, they're dumb but unlike the other two, they actively seek out ways to die, it seems, far more frequently. Getting stuck in fence, breaking their legs, eating garbage and dying, etc. To not mention vehicle strikes and your neighbor's dog coming in to rip them apart.
Around here most sheep farmers have caught on that donkeys/mules are the ultimate security systems for flocks. The coyotes move in and the donkeys fuck their shit up, with being able to kick in all directions the idiot hunters are no match for it. If you drive past any livestock farm around here you're almost guaranteed to see one or two donkeys always on guard. The coyotes and Coywolves are horrible around here, even now coming into backyards and killing family dogs. Horrible.
I always call coyotes with wolf or domestic dog blood that one sees all over the East "red wolves", "brush-wolves" or "park coyotes". The trouble is more or less pure coyotes, like is what all you see where I am (the mountain subspecies coyote) look like this; They eat voles, ground squirrels, the odd whitetail fawn or elk calf, mice, pack-rats and carrion. They are about 26 to pushing nearly 70 at the biggest size, typical ones are about 35 to 48. They also sometimes pack up to eat a deer or elk, but that's not commonplace. Our wolves have enough fellow wolves to find love with so the frequent crossing of the coyote/wolf species *never* happens. In the East, they shot out and extirpated the wolves, and then made it harder for them to recolonize and when male wolves get hard-up, they settle for a coyote wife and begin making coywolf puppies. Also, a lot of Eastern coyote have domestic dog genes, and get the funnier coat colors and hind dew-claws as a result, like black and white, pure golden or white and collie-patterned; Animal Trap Spoiler: Spoiler Spoiler
I'm fairly certain a buddy of mine saw a hybrid wolf-coyote while deer hunting this weekend. Too big to be a coyote, too small for a wolf, but had that unmistakable shape. The biggest coyote I've shot in SW Minnesota was near 45 lbs, most are around 30 lbs. though it seems. The wolves up North, however, dwarf them.
Here's a wolf in summer coat. And one in winter pelage. It is always amazing how much they seem to lose "mass" when they shed out. Same with coyotes and Northern breeds of dog.
Re: Oh, now that's baaaaaaaad. There's a reason they were named Man's Best Friend. I'm surprised labs weren't higher. They must not know how adorable my Lilly is. And apparently Bulldogs suck.
Re: Oh, now that's baaaaaaaad. If you mean English and French bulldogs, yes. Between the horrible smashed faces, whelping problems, ridiculous amounts of money your vet will be making from your lumbering toad-dog and how sad you'll be when it dies at five, no wonder why they are considered to suck.
It's a trap I am not a member of PETA, unless it's the People Eating Tasty Animals division. I am hunter, and I do not have a weak stomach. However, we have a hunting thread, and this is the WDT. My two cents: wild animal with a bloody paw caught in a trap should be spoilered for those who might not want to just see that. So, maybe a mod could do that, if they feel so inclined.
Re: It's a trap Apologies, but I can't edit the post any longer. Also, PETA stands for People Euthanasing Thousands of Animals.
Re: It's a trap Technically this whole thread is NSFW which we have been told many times, browse at your own risk.