Not just a river in Europe Right. Plus, she's probably only banging him on the nights you're out of town.
I hate when I don't have to work and my friends decide to text me at 7 am. Amy really needs to get a smart phone so she doesn't text me asking me to email her the pictures we send each other. Sigh. Anyway, this is hysterical: So my daughter has to do doubles on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 am. I'm carpooling with another family and technically today was my turn. Yesterday the dad says to me he would take this morning. I was like, "Okaaayyyy, if you insist, I'll let you take THIS time." It's like my birthday came early!
Yeah, my girlfriend hangs out with one of her exes regularly. He actually came down to visit her a few weeks ago. Of course, he's gone from slightly effeminate to flaming since I've been dating her, and he introduced us to his boyfriend while he was here, so there's that.
My daughter is about to have her operation, she has his idea that if she refuses to take her coat off the hospital won't be able to admit her.
Exes are exes for a reason, which is why people are sometimes able to maintain friendships with people they've split from. If her husband has a problem with her talking to you, it's because she has or had a thing for you that went beyond work and he feels threatened by you.
I disagree. Sometimes people are just insecure. One time in college I danced with this guy. Just DANCED. Afterwards I stopped and talked to a male friend of mine. The guy I danced with called me (back in the old days before cell phones) and was asking me about it. To say I was surprised is an understatement. He was so insistent about it I think I raised my voice. I was in the kitchen and my roommates were all gathered around the steps wondering what was going on as I rarely do that. It was weird and I steered clear from him after that. I can't even imagine how he would be if he was actually for real dating someone.
But neither her husband nor her friendship with Kubla is a one-time thing - both have been ongoing for a long time. So, unless she's been hiding those texts from her husband (and why would she do that if it was innocuous?), he knows about their friendship and has known about it for some time. So something has changed in his perception of their friendship. If the tone of the texts is the same, and Kubla hasn't changed, then something has changed in the wife.
I just think this guy has never had a female friend that he didn't want to fuck. Whether or not the possibility to actually have sex is irrelevant. Therefore, in his mind, every guy is also like that. Thus, "never text mice wife again". He is also most likely an illiterate, knuckle-dragging mouth breather. If you text her a picture of your nuts(or anything at all), he would probably beat the shit out of her. I know guys like this. He had to get possession of her phone somehow to text you, which was probably in the heat of some fight about her being a "dirty cheating whore". Basically, she's done well for herself.
Possibly, or possibly he does know and they've fought over it and he finally took her phone and sent something. I just disagreed with the definitive statement that it must be because she likes him (no offense Kubla, I'm sure you're lovely). He could just be a weird dude. Um, the boyfriend, not Kubla.
Back that thing up This ad came on when I was watching TV last night. What sort of representation do you think I could get if I gave my case to BJ and Ass? Not sure, but she may be blocking "Commitment to Excrement"
Im going with this on all accounts. I'm guessing if she has hid our text from him it's because he's shown that any sort of texting/talking with another guy in any fashion will result an argument and accusations. The other guys like this I've come across are also the type of low life trash that get physically abusive with girls.