Possessive control freaks in relationship need to collectively stampeded over El Capitan. It's simple: what is the point of being in a relationship if there's no trust?
You make the mistake thinking it has anything to do with love or trust. People like this don't give a damn about the other person. Not really. It's about ownership. Their personalities are devoid of something, so they smother everything they can in hopes to control negative aspects of their spouse. They think they love their significant other. I don't think they even know what that entails, only an idea of how that person fills a relationship void, possibly status, not being alone. It baffles me why anyone gets into relationships with people like that. How do you not know they're control freaks? Are both parties trying to change the other? "They'd be so great except for this and this and this... But I can change them to make them perfect for me." Stupid.
It's comfortable. People stay in relationships when they shouldn't for all sorts of reasons. You get used to something and it's hard to walk away. If the relationship has been around a while the change can be scary. Maybe he is a weird control freak or maybe he once had a really bad experience at the lingerie counter at Macy's, but then again maybe he has a reason to to think his wife texting other guys isn't a good idea. Regardless of the reason, that's a dead relationship waiting for someone to have the cojones to stick a stake through its heart.
I just can't fathom why people willingly stay in a dead-end relationship with an idiot. Like you said, they're too scared to bring the hammer down. They'd rather get dragged across broken glass for years then simply just throw themselves through the window and then sit up like Arnie. Bearing context in mind, some people don't end bad relationships because they are LITERALLY scared of what the other person will do. Like kill your dog, or perhaps you.
I'm pretty sure if I ever found out my husband stayed in our marriage because I was a better option than "change", I'd probably jump off a bridge.
The speed with which you all have gone from a simple text message to clearly it's the worst relationship ever and he's a control freak wife beating psychopath is staggering. For all I know he is, but those are some pretty radical conclusions based on not a whole lot. Whatever.
Four or five pages back we were discussing bestiality and the thread above this one is discussing the possibility that beloved comic icon Bill Cosby is a serial rapist based on the accusations of (among others) beloved attention whore and noted crazy idiot Janice Dickinson. This is what we do.
I've known a couple of smart women who have stayed in abusive (emotionally) relationships. This is a pretty good list of the high points: http://psychcentral.com/lib/why-women-s ... en/0002648
My 6 month old son and I are watching COPS. He laughs when I laugh. I laugh when people get tased. I think I'm raising an asshole.
I tend to be on good terms with exes and hook up with them semi-regularly when they're single so I have a totally different perspective here. I also don't care if my wife talks to her exes or even the guy who clearly is into her. I trust her, we talk, nothing to worry about.
Well yeah, if you're banging your exes you better not have a problem with your wife talking to hers. (Just to be clear, it is an open marriage, right? This is not a hilariously casual admission of cheating?)
What are you talking about? He has an open marriage. So when his exes are single he can fuck them. He's not cheating because it's out in the open and I assume he talks to his wife before doing so.
Daughter's op went fast and smooth, the doctor told me it was "very strange that ANY human being would eat pizza after having their adenoids removed." I guess it's like tonsil removal and burns like a bitch so usually they want ice cream and not chucks from a hot wheel of grease, her adenoids were inflamed to the size of a freight locomotive so hopefully this will cure her Husqvarna snoring. Seriously: this girl is six and she sounds like a fat guy with sleep apnea.
Can she do me a solid and grant me permission to sleep with a couple of women? They keep saying no when I ask direct.